Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31547 - Post Excavation Assessment, Green Street, Cheeseman’s Green, Ashford, Kent

Title Post Excavation Assessment, Green Street, Cheeseman’s Green, Ashford, Kent
Date/Year 2015


Most evidence of settlement at the Site is of Mid to Late Bronze Age date along with several phases of enclosures and land divisions, the majority of which remain ndated. However, in several occurrences these land divisions appear to respect the Bronze Age activity. There are also several examples of later field divisions significantly truncating the earlier activity, as seen in the Eastern field.

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Unpublished document. Green Street (Area 10: Phase 1 & 2)


Kent County Council Heritage 2015/310

Referenced Monuments (6)

  • Bronze Age barrow and other features, area 10 (west), Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round house sand other features, area 10 (east), Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
  • Iron Age features, area 10 (east), Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age / Romano-British enclosures, area 10 (west), Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
  • Medieval ditches, area 10 (east), Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
  • Undated burnt pits, area 10 (east), Cheeseman's Green (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE21894 Strip, map and sample excavation at Green Street, Cheeseman's Green: area 10 Phase 1 and 2, 2014/2015 (Ref: 77716)

Record last edited

Dec 2 2022 10:22AM