Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE51786 - Cow Leas Meadow, Sandwich, Kent: Evaluation report

Title Cow Leas Meadow, Sandwich, Kent: Evaluation report
Date/Year 2017


Report on four hand-dug evaluation trenches, each 10 metres long, which were cut at the north-western end of Cow Leas Meadow, Sandwich, in June 2016. The investigated area forms part of a larger marshland tract located just outside the medieval town ramparts of the town. The general sequence of deposits revealed in each trench was much the same, with the original marshland surface found buried under a series of later post-medieval dump deposits. No especially significant archaeological remains were located but the top of a large land drainage ditch was located in Trench 3. One of the earliest and most important finds recovered was a cut farthing of William I of Scotland, dated c.1205 – c.1214. Overall, the amount of medieval material recovered was quite small, with no indication that town rubbish had been regularly dumped here.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2018/862

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Finds from the top layer of alluvium, Cow Leas Meadow, Sandwich (Findspot)
  • Post-medieval land drainage ditch, Cow Leas Meadow, Sandwich (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE17251 Evaluation at Cow Leas Meadow, Sandwich, Kent (Ref: CLMS-EV-16)

Record last edited

Dec 10 2018 2:23PM