Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE51813 - Guston Solar Farm, Hangmans Lane, Guston, Dover, Kent: archaeological watching and recording brief

Title Guston Solar Farm, Hangmans Lane, Guston, Dover, Kent: archaeological watching and recording brief
Date/Year CAT 2015/175


Account of a watching brief carried out during construction of a solar farm. The works revealed a possible iron age ditch towards the north of the development area; pits related to 19th century or later quarrying and part of a First World War trench system.

External Links (0)


unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2018/418

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Cropmark of First World War trench, to the north-east of Copthorne (Monument)
  • Five probable post-medieval quarry pits, east of Dover Road (Monument)
  • Probable iron age ditch found during watching brief in 2015 (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE17381 Watching brief, Guston Solar Farm, 2015 (Ref: GSFG-WB15)

Record last edited

Dec 20 2018 3:21PM