Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE51827 - 28 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury: Archaeological watching brief on geotechnical boreholes and service location pits

Title 28 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury: Archaeological watching brief on geotechnical boreholes and service location pits
Date/Year 2010


Report on an archaeological watching brief on geotechnical boreholing and four service location test pits at 28 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury in May 2010. The borehole data showed a greater depth of deposits of potential archaeological interest than the test pits. The deposits largely represent fills of medieval quarries and 11th-12th century pottery and glazed peg tile suggests a medieval date for the earliest quarry fills. Evidence of unidentfied sturctures and metalling, perhaps fronting St Dunstan's Street, was also found. No human remains were retrieved, but Romano-British inhumations may still be present as at 25-26 St Dunstan's St.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2018/208

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Medieval quarry fills, 28 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury (Monument)
  • Probable post-medieval street frontage remains, 28 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE17396 28 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury: Archaeological watching brief on geotechnical boreholes and service location pits (Ref: 28SDS-10-WB1)

Record last edited

Oct 19 2020 11:48AM