Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE51997 - Strood Retail Park, Commercial Road, Strood, Rochester, Kent: Report on archaeological evaluation and boreholing

Title Strood Retail Park, Commercial Road, Strood, Rochester, Kent: Report on archaeological evaluation and boreholing
Date/Year 2016


Report on an archaeological evaluation and programme of archaeological boreholing undertaken by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust between 11 and 13 May 2016 on land at Strood Retail Park, Commercial Road, Strood, Rochester, Kent. It has demonstrated the scouring of the natural chalk by the palaeo-Medway, followed by the deposition of probable quaternary river gravels. From the medieval period, and perhaps earlier reclamation would seem to have been undertaken by man, represented largely by the dumping of refuse deposits onto the site. More substantive development occurred in the nineteenth century, with the development of a canal/tramway and the construction of houses.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2017/114

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Remains of 18th and 19th century terraced housing, Strood Retail Park, Commercial Road, Strood, Rochester, Kent (Monument)
  • Timber pole from tramway, Strood Retail Park (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE17640 Archaeological evaluation and boreholing at Strood Retail Park, Commercial Road, Strood, Rochester, Kent (Ref: CRS-EV-16)

Record last edited

Jan 31 2019 1:03PM