Source/Archive record (Plan) SKE52046 - Dover Castle Officers Barracks

Title Dover Castle Officers Barracks
Date/Year 1856


Hand-tinted block plan showing the general arrangement of the Officers Barracks and Stables and water and drainage systems, plus an elevation and section of the grand stairs to the terrace to the south Drawing number forty-two. Annotated 'To accompany specification dated 2nd July 1856'. Signed N J Fennell, Clerk of Works, and probably part of the Anthony Salvin series of drawings. Reference key to water and drainage works. Main plan scale of 30 ft to 1", grand stairs scale at 10 ft to 1". The archive object is signed N J Fennell.

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Dover Castle Plans Archive MP/DOV0123


Dover Castle Archives

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Dover Castle (Monument)
  • Mid C19th drainage gully associated with Offices Barracks at Dover Castle (Monument)
  • Mid C19th wall footing associated with Offices Barracks at Dover Castle (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jul 4 2019 12:42PM