Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE52701 - King's School International College and Malthouse buildings, Malthouse Road, Canterbury Archaeological watching brief on geotechnical work

Title King's School International College and Malthouse buildings, Malthouse Road, Canterbury Archaeological watching brief on geotechnical work
Date/Year 2017


Report on a geotechnical watching brief at King's School International College and Malthouse buildings in 2016. The watching brief identified a palaeochannel, alongside medieval/post-medieval features related to quarrying at the site.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2018/837

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Late Pleistocene palaeochannel on land at King's School International College and Malthouse buildings, Canterbury (Important geological sequence)
  • Medieval and post-medieval quarrying at King's School International College and Malthouse buildings, Canterbury (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE22615 Archaeological watching brief on geotechnical work at King's School International College and Malthouse buildings, Canterbury, 2016 (Ref: Project Codes: KSIC-16-WB, KICM-16-WB)

Record last edited

Jan 10 2024 9:41AM