Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE6649 - A Programme of Archaeological Work at Furfield Quarry, Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone

Title A Programme of Archaeological Work at Furfield Quarry, Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone
Date/Year 1996


Programme of work on disused quarry site. A large ditch was located containing Iron Age pottery on its lower fill and a dump of Roman pottery in the upper. (AD 60-100) It is likely that it formed part of a larger enclosure, probably sub-rectangular in plan. A hollow and stone footings of a possible wall provided no dating evidence. The corner of a small building was located here, with a small ditch located at TQ 7830 5163. The fill contained a fragment of PM brick and the building, fragments of yellow stock-brick. Both are probably of C19 date and may relate to farming activity. (kcc1996/81)

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Kent County Council Heritage 1996/81

Referenced Monuments (8)

  • Iron Age and un features, boughton monchelsea (Monument)
  • Iron Age and un features, boughton monchelsea (Monument)
  • Post medieval features, Boughton Monchelsea (Monument)
  • Post medieval features, Boughton Monchelsea (Monument)
  • Small prehistoric settlement found at Furfield Quarry, 2006/7 (Monument)
  • Two ditches found in the West Field at Furfield Quarry, 1996 (Monument)
  • Undated post-holes and pit, nr brishing lane (Monument)
  • Undated post-holes and pit, nr brishing lane (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE4918 Evaluation at Furfield Quarry, Maidstone

Record last edited

Oct 4 2011 4:37PM