Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE7229 - Boley Hill, Rochester. Archaeological Assessment. Part 1: Watching Brief

Title Boley Hill, Rochester. Archaeological Assessment. Part 1: Watching Brief
Date/Year 1997


Watching brief on nine test pits. Archaeological deposits were found in pits 2 and 3 and there is a possiblility of archaeology in pits 5, 8 and 9 although the holes did not go down deep enough to confirm this.

External Links (0)



Kent County Council Heritage 1997/162

Referenced Monuments (4)

  • Hearth and pit found just off Epaul Lane, Rochester (Monument)
  • Medieval and post medieval wall fragments, Boley Hill, Rochester (Monument)
  • Post medieval wall fragments found in a test pit on Boley Hill, Rochester (Monument)
  • Structures found on the junction of Boley Hill Road and Epaul Lane, Rochester (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE5344 Boley Hill, Rochester, Archaeological Assessment. Part 1: Watching Brief

Record last edited

Apr 14 2005 10:23AM