Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE7824 - Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief at South Barracks, Deal (New School Site) 2001

Title Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief at South Barracks, Deal (New School Site) 2001
Date/Year 2001


Nine trenches cut at the Former Royal Marine South Barracks, Gladstone Road, Deal. The Watching Brief between October 2000 and June 2001 recovered a pair of post medieval gun flints, a large amount of struck flint thought to be of late neolithic or early bronze age date with associations to the nearby foreshore, and the site of an ancient pond of unknown date.

External Links (0)


Report on an archaeological Watching Brief at South Barracks, Gladstone Road, Deal, between October 2000 and June 2001. Compiled by Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2001.


Kent County Council Heritage 2001/232

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Ancient pond of unknown date, South Barracks, Gladstone Road, Deal (Monument)
  • Late Neolithic/early Bronze Age struck flints, South Barracks, Deal (Findspot)
  • Post medieval gunflints, South Barracks, Gladstone Road, Deal (Findspot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE5773 Watching brief at South Barracks, Deal (Ref: SBD-00-1000)

Record last edited

Sep 5 2001 12:00AM