Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX6813 - Assessment Report on Geoarchaeological and Environmental Archaeological Aspects of the Medway Tunnel Engineering Scheme Archaeological Evaluation

Title Assessment Report on Geoarchaeological and Environmental Archaeological Aspects of the Medway Tunnel Engineering Scheme Archaeological Evaluation
Date/Year 1994


Geoarchaeologial and enviornmental evaluation of the Medway Tunnel engineering scheme indicate exceptional preservation of wood, pollen, mollusca and other invertebrates. In-situ archaeological material of probable Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age and Iron Age date was recorded at the Eastern Approaches, and evidence of occupation and activity ranging from early to mid-Neolithic through to Romano-British periods was recovered by the subsequent excavation in that area (WX6566) reported fully elsewhere.

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Kent County Council Heritage 1994/106

Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Late Iron Age occupation hut, Medway Tunnel, Gillingham (Monument)
  • Middle Bronze Age hearth, Medway Tunnel, Gillingham (Monument)
  • Neolithic flint working floor, Medway Tunnel, Chatham (Monument)
  • Romano-British settlement and ditch, Medway Tunnel, Gillingham (Monument)
  • Two gullies of unknown date, Medway Tunnel, Gillingham (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EWX6621 Geoarchaeological and Environmental Evaluation of the Medway Tunnel Engineering Scheme (Ref: 94/06)

Record last edited

Mar 15 2004 12:31PM