Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX6915 - Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe: An archaeological post excavation assessment and updated project design
Title | Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe: An archaeological post excavation assessment and updated project design |
Author/Originator | Museum of London Archaeology Service |
Date/Year | 1999 |
Post-Excavation assessment and updated project design for excavation ahead of development at Swanscombe community school.
External Links (0)
unpublished document
Kent County Council Heritage 1999/74
Referenced Monuments (9)
- TQ 67 SW 1717 Cremation burial within Roman enclosure, Swanscombe (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1716 Features including rubbish pits within Roman enclosure, Swanscombe (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1715 Possible corn dryer within Roman enclosure, Swanscombe (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1714 Possible site of timber structures within Roman enclosure, Swanscombe (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1713 Roman building within enclosure, Swanscombe (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 222 Roman Ritual Enclosure, Swanscombe Thameside Community School (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 325 Roman Road, Swanscombe Thameside Community School (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1719 Semi circular feature located close to Roman enclosure, Swanscombe (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1718 Two ditches located close to Roman enclosure, Swanscombe (Monument)
Referenced Events (4)
- EKE8381 Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe Excavation (Ref: KT-SSF97)
- EKE19770 Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe, main excavation area (Ref: KT-SSF97)
- EKE19771 Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe, Watching brief area 1 (Ref: KT-SSF97)
- EKE19772 Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe, Watching brief area 2 (Ref: KT-SSF97)
Record last edited
Sep 30 2020 3:44PM