Monument record TQ 67 SW 1719 - Semi circular feature located close to Roman enclosure, Swanscombe


During excavations carried out by the Museum of London Archaeology ahead of development at Swanscombe Community School, a semi circular feature was uncovered. This may have been an eaves drip gully to a round house though this is not confirmed. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TQ 6084 7390 (7m by 6m) (2 map features)
Map sheet TQ67SW
County KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

During excavations carried out by the Museum of London Archaeology ahead of development at Swanscombe Community School, a semi circular feature was uncovered. It was located to the south west of the Roman enclosure and was 5m in diameter. The function of this feature is not certain but it may have been an eaves drip gully for a roundhouse though there was no sign of any associated post holes or hearths (these may have been truncated). Roundhouses are known to have continued into the Romano-british period, particularly at rural locations such as this, and they normally date to the second and third centuries AD which would make this possible example contemporary with the walled enclosure, and it is possible that the roundhouse may have been used for some ancillary function (such as storage). Nine sherds of Roman pottery were recovered from within the fill of the gully, these date to between AD 170 and AD 300. A nearby pit which contained a burnt fill may be associated with this feature. (1-3)

<1> Museum of London Archaeology Service, 1999, Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe: An archaeological post excavation assessment and updated project design (Unpublished document). SWX6915.

<2> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1997, Swanscombe Thameside Community School: Archaeological Evaluation (Unpublished document). SKE6584.

<3> Field report for monument TQ 74 NW 1 - January, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE3740.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1>XY Unpublished document: Museum of London Archaeology Service. 1999. Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe: An archaeological post excavation assessment and updated project design. [Mapped feature: #107759 gully, ]
  • <2> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1997. Swanscombe Thameside Community School: Archaeological Evaluation.
  • <3> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 74 NW 1 - January, 1964.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Event Boundary: Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe Excavation (Ref: KT-SSF97) (EKE8381)
  • Intrusive Event: Swanscombe Community School, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe, main excavation area (Ref: KT-SSF97) (EKE19770)

Record last edited

Sep 30 2020 2:29PM