Source/Archive record (Photograph (Print)) SWX9811 - Photograph

Title Photograph
Date/Year 1947
National Monuments Records Centre Aerial Photograpy Sortie CPE/UK/2007, library number: 604


External Links (0)


print quality medium, type of view: maritime, high water


RCHME Swindon (HQ)

Referenced Monuments (5)

  • A group of post medieval pounds named Wick are depicted on the 1864 Ordnance Survey map (Farmstead)
  • Burial ground, near Cockleshell Hard, Isle of Grain (Monument)
  • Jetty near Grain Power Station, Isle of Grain (Monument)
  • Naval ammunition depot, Isle of Grain (Monument)
  • Remains of Grain battery, renamed Dummy Battery, Isle of Grain (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jul 3 2000 12:00AM