Thesaurus Term/Concept: PICKETT HAMILTON FORT

Identifier 140357
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A sunken, circular, concrete pillbox used on airfields. They remained flush with the surface to permit the free movement of aircraft but, if attack threatened, could be raised hydraulically or by a counterbalance, and manned to give covering fire.

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Context Record
Monument Type MKE18297 Picket-Hamilton Forts at Hawkinge Airfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE18304 Pickett Hamilton Fort, Lympne Airfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE21006 Pickett-Hamilton fort at Lympne Airfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE17968 Pickett-Hamilton Fort, West Malling Airfield, West Malling (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99189 Second World War Pickett-Hamilton fort (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99190 Second World War Pickett-Hamilton fort 450m north of the Highland Garage, A249, Thurnham (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99191 Second World War Pickett-Hamilton fort c. 220 m south of the Aerodrome Estate, Thurnham (Monument)