Listed Building record TR 34 SW 2567 - The Officers New Barracks/Officers Mess, Dover Castle


The Officers New Barracks, or Officers Mess, is located at the southern end of the site and is a large two/three storey building which was constructed in 1858 as part of a generous scheme of expansion and modernisation undertaken within the castle during and after the Crimean War (1853-1856). The principal elevation is south facing and overlooks the sea. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3271 4171 (107m by 58m) (2 map features)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<1> Johnathan Coad, 1995, English Heritage Book of Dover Castle and the Defences of Dover (Monograph). SKE52106.

<2> English Heritage, 2014, Dover Castle Conservation Management Plan Volume 2 Gazetteer (Unpublished document). SKE52105.

<3> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

<4> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 2009, An Archaeological Watching Brief at the New Visitor Admissions Building, Dover Castle, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE16259.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Monograph: Johnathan Coad. 1995. English Heritage Book of Dover Castle and the Defences of Dover.
  • <2>XY Unpublished document: English Heritage. 2014. Dover Castle Conservation Management Plan Volume 2 Gazetteer. [Mapped feature: #102518 Barracks, ]
  • <3> Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
  • <4> Unpublished document: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 2009. An Archaeological Watching Brief at the New Visitor Admissions Building, Dover Castle, Kent.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (4)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jun 27 2019 5:56PM