Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE52105 - Dover Castle Conservation Management Plan Volume 2 Gazetteer
Title | Dover Castle Conservation Management Plan Volume 2 Gazetteer |
Author/Originator | English Heritage |
Date/Year | 2014 |
The Gazetteer, which is the second volume of the Dover Castle Conservation Plan, is a schedule of the individual components of Dover Castle, establishing for each element its historical development, current description and significance, together with present condition and vulnerability to factors which could affect it now or in the future. Recommendations are made for protection, conservation or other treatment, and where relevant referenced to the principal policies set out in the Conservation Plan
External Links (0)
Conservation Management Plan (Gazetteer) produced by Oxford Archaeology and English Heritage in 2014
Heritage 2019/60
Referenced Monuments (132)
- TR 34 SW 2560 18th century additions to Moat's Bulwark, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2572 19th century Constables House and garden (attached to medieval gate) Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 650 Admiralty Look-Out, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2598 Admiralty Naval Radar Station, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2593 Annexe level wartime tunnels, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2585 Ashford Flank, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2497 Avanches Flank, outer curtain, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2496 Avanches tower, outer curtain, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2559 Avranches Flank and the reconstructed eastern ditch at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2520 Barracks, now visitor toilets within the inner bailey at Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2521 Bell Battery, Middle Bailey, Dover Castle. (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2571 Bread and meat store, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2507 Bridge and tunnels towards the spur and St. Johns Tower, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2501 C13th addition to Peverells Tower and Gateway, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2766 C18th Barracks within the Medieval Aurthurs Hall, Inner bailey, Dover Castle. (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2238 C18th Barracks, now known as Keep Yard 7, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2237 C18th Barracks, now an Education Room, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2240 C18th Officers Barracks, now known as Keep Yard 8, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2242 C18th Officers Barracks, now known as Keep Yard 9, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2600 C18th part of Esplanade level tunnels, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2243 C18th soldiers barracks, now a shop within the Inner Bailey of Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2761 C20th extension to the Esplanade level tunnels, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2545 Cannons Gate and bridge caponier, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2544 Cannons Gate Casemates, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2575 Caponier at Constables Gateway, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2543 Casemates between Fitzwilliam Gate and Avranches Tower, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2580 Castemates associated with the Shoulder of Mutton Battery, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2584 Castle Hill Steps, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2483 Chapel within the Keep at Dover Castle, Kent (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2546 Cinque Ports Prison, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2493 Coltons Gate an part of the Middle Bailey Wall and associated earthwork, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2557 Constables Bastion, outer defences of Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2509 Constables gate, tower, barbican and residence outer curtain wall, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2504 Crevecoeur's Tower, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2495 Curtain wall between Fitzwilliam and Avranches at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2555 Ditch and counterscarp on the eastern side of Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 5 Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 877 DOVER CASTLE KEEP (Listed Building)
- TR 34 SW 2595 Dragon's Teeth Tank Traps and infantry position, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2594 Dumpy Level Wartime Tunnels, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2553 East Arrow Bastion outer defences of Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2566 East Casemates, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2583 East Demi Bastion battery, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2552 East Demi Bastion, and East Demi Passage outer Defences, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2577 Eastern Terreplein, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2578 Expense Magazines on the eastern terreplein, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2508 Fitzwilliam Gate, outer curtain wall, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2562 Former site of 18th century barracks to the south of the Keep at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2494 Former site of barbican and towers protecting the Palace Gate within the Middle Bailey at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2568 Former site of buildings, including stables and barracks, to the rear of the Officers New Barracks, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2589 Former site of East Arrow Barracks, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2590 Former site of Military Camp, Broadlees Bottom, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2498 Former site of Pencester Tower, outer curtain, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2588 Former site of Royal Garrison Artillery Barracks (Stone Hut 2) Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2569 Former site of the Military Hospital, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2601 Former site of the Pentic linking Arthurs Hall to the Keep wihtin the inner Bailey at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2522 Four Gun Battery, Middle Bailey, Dover Castle. (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2514 Fulbert of Dover's Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2511 Gattons Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2503 Godsfoe Tower, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2561 Guilford battery, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2599 Guilford Shaft, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2547 Gunpowder Magazine, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2549 Horseshoe Bastion on the outer defences of Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2582 Hospital Battery, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2513 Hurst's Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2554 Husdson Bastion, outer defences at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2485 Kitchen and medieval bread oven within the Keep at Dover Castle, Kent (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2592 Later Alterations to the Casemate level tunnels at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2574 Long Gun Magazine, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2744 Medieval ditch on the eastern side of Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2556 Medieval ditch on the western side of Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2764 Medieval masonry possibly originally belonging to the 'Old Hall' within the Inner Bailey, Dover Castle, Kent (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2765 Medieval masonry relating to the former site of the 'King's Chambers', Inner Bailey, Dover Castle, Kent (Building)
- TR 34 SW 1874 Medieval remains within Arthur's Hall, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2551 Medieval Tunnels beneath the Spur Redan at Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2770 Medieval Walling of the former site of Arthurs Lesser Hall, Inner Bailey of Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2768 Medieval walling realting to the former site of Medival Kitchens, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2767 Medieval walling relating to the former site of service rooms and a Porch to Arthurs Hall, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2771 Medieval walling relating to the former site of the Duke of Suffolk's, and later Duke of Buckingham's Lodgings, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2769 Medieval walling relating to the possible former site of Armoury, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2518 Moats Bulwark, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2548 Napoleonic tunnels – Casemate Level, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2505 Norfolk Towers, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2506 North eastern section of the outer curtain wall, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2519 Officers Barracks, now the education block within the inner bailey at Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2492 Palace Gateway, inner bailey, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2523 Palace green Well, Middle Bailey, Dover Castle. (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2500 Peverells Tower and Gateway, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 646 Pillbox at the foot of Horseshoe Bastion, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 642 Possible Iron Age Hillfort at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2241 Possible Medieval cistern or cellar beneath Keep Yard 8, withn the inner bailey of Dover Castle. (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2239 Possible site of buried Medieval walls relating to the possible former sites of the Kitchen within the Inner Bailey, Dover Castle Kent (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 220 Possible site of Windmill at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2743 Post medieval additions to the western outer defences of Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1404 Post Medieval make-up layers & surfaces. Sea Sport Centre, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2502 Queen Mary's Tower, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2235 Regimental Museum (North) - C18th Barracks Inner Bailey, Dover Castle, Kent (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2234 Regimental Museum (South), C18th Barracks, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle, Kent (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2515 Rokesley's Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2587 Royal Garrison Artillery Barracks (Stone Hut 1) Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2586 Saluting Platform, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2512 Says Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2581 Shot Yard Battery, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2564 Site of soldiers canteen, now a restaurant on the southern side of the inner bailey at Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 647 Six Pounder Anti-Tank Position at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2510 South eastern curtain wall between Peverell's Tower and the Cliff, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2499 South western outer curtain wall, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2762 Southern entrance to Long Gun Magazine, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2573 The Constables Stable and Carriage House, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2490 The eastern curtain wall of the inner bailey, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2565 The Garrison School, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2482 The Kings chambers within the Keep at Dover Castle, Kent (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2487 The Kings Gateway Barbican and bridge Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2486 The Kings Gateway, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2481 The Kings Hall within the Keep at Dover Castle, Kent (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2488 The north curtain wall of the inner bailey, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2550 The northern Spur earthworks, spur redan and associated caponiers, outer defences at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2567 The Officers New Barracks/Officers Mess, Dover Castle (Listed Building)
- TR 34 SW 2570 The Regimental Institute (NAFFI) at Dover Castle (Listed Building)
- TR 34 SW 876 The Regimental Sergeant Major’s House, Dover Castle (Listed Building)
- TR 34 SW 2579 The Shoulder of Mutton Battery, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2491 The southern curtain wall of the inner bailey, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2524 The Spur casemates, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2517 The Tudor Bulwark, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2489 The western curtain wall of the inner bailey, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2516 Treasurer's Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2558 Wall and bank on the southern side of the middle bailey at Dover Castle. (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2597 World War 2 Air Raid Shelters, Dover Castle (Building)
- TR 34 SW 2596 World War 2 Anti Aircraft Gun Emplacements, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2591 WWI Slit trenches along the outer defences at Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1402 WWII Anti-tank ditch, Broadlees Bottom, Dover (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Aug 21 2019 1:15PM