It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument record TR 36 NE 417 - Early - mid (?) Iron Age settlement, South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs and St. Peters
Excavation in 1992 -1994 uncovered Bronze Age and Iron Age sites. The early Iron Age remains spanning c. 550-350 BC. consist of parts of two apparently rectilinear enclosures formed by palisade trenches. They are sub-divided by lengths of internal ditch and part of a sub-rectangular enclosure with a recut or superimposed ditch. Within the enclosures are 2 complexes of post-holes representing hut sites or other structures. Scattered throughout the enclosures and beyond are pits. One pit contained a burial. Later the burial was partly cut by the palisaded ditch.
Along the east and west boundaries of the site is a large flat bottomed feature with in sections what may be wheel ruts. It seems that this is a continuation of a feature seen in 1907 to cross the line of South Cliff Parade. Bbelieved by Hurd who investigated this area in 1907 to be the return of a similar ditch see saw running north-east to be cut by the cliff line at Dumpton Gap.
Grid reference | TR 39259 66380 (point) Estimated from sources |
Map sheet | TR36NE |
County | KENT |
District | THANET, KENT |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
<1> Trust For Thanet Archaeology, 1992, Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs - Evaluations (Unpublished document). SKE11938.
<2> Trust for Thanet Archaeology, 1994, Assessment/Research Design; South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, 1994 (Unpublished document). SKE11939.
<3> Trust for Thanet Archaeology, Thanet SMR, cropmark plot. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6443.
<4> Trust For Thanet Archaeology, 1995, Overall assessment of the pottery and other finds from the 1907-9 South Cliff Parade, 1971-2 and 1974 Dumpton Gap and 1992-94 South Dumpton Downs excavations (Unpublished document). SWX7091.
Sources/Archives (4)
- <1> SKE11938 Unpublished document: Trust For Thanet Archaeology. 1992. Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs - Evaluations.
- <2> SKE11939 Unpublished document: Trust for Thanet Archaeology. 1994. Assessment/Research Design; South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, 1994.
- <3> SKE6443 Miscellaneous Material: Trust for Thanet Archaeology. Thanet SMR, cropmark plot..
- <4> SWX7091 Unpublished document: Trust For Thanet Archaeology. 1995. Overall assessment of the pottery and other finds from the 1907-9 South Cliff Parade, 1971-2 and 1974 Dumpton Gap and 1992-94 South Dumpton Downs excavations.
Finds (5)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (5)
- Intrusive Event: Additional Evaluation Work at Dumpton Park Drive, Broadstairs 1993 (EKE8164)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation Trenching: Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, May 1992 (EKE8163)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Field Walking: Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, May 1992 (EKE8161)
- Intrusive Event: Metal Detecting: Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, May 1992 (EKE8162)
- Intrusive Event: South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs 1994 (EKE8165)
Record last edited
May 31 2007 3:31PM