Monument record TR 36 NE 417 - Early - mid (?) Iron Age settlement, South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs and St. Peters


Excavation in 1992 -1994 uncovered Bronze Age and Iron Age sites. The early Iron Age remains spanning c. 550-350 BC. consist of parts of two apparently rectilinear enclosures formed by palisade trenches. They are sub-divided by lengths of internal ditch and part of a sub-rectangular enclosure with a recut or superimposed ditch. Within the enclosures are 2 complexes of post-holes representing hut sites or other structures. Scattered throughout the enclosures and beyond are pits. One pit contained a burial. Later the burial was partly cut by the palisaded ditch. Along the east and west boundaries of the site is a large flat bottomed feature with in sections what may be wheel ruts. It seems that this is a continuation of a feature seen in 1907 to cross the line of South Cliff Parade. Bbelieved by Hurd who investigated this area in 1907 to be the return of a similar ditch see saw running north-east to be cut by the cliff line at Dumpton Gap.


Grid reference TR 39259 66380 (point) Estimated from sources
Map sheet TR36NE
County KENT


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

<1> Trust For Thanet Archaeology, 1992, Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs - Evaluations (Unpublished document). SKE11938.

<2> Trust for Thanet Archaeology, 1994, Assessment/Research Design; South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, 1994 (Unpublished document). SKE11939.

<3> Trust for Thanet Archaeology, Thanet SMR, cropmark plot. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6443.

<4> Trust For Thanet Archaeology, 1995, Overall assessment of the pottery and other finds from the 1907-9 South Cliff Parade, 1971-2 and 1974 Dumpton Gap and 1992-94 South Dumpton Downs excavations (Unpublished document). SWX7091.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Trust For Thanet Archaeology. 1992. Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs - Evaluations.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Trust for Thanet Archaeology. 1994. Assessment/Research Design; South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, 1994.
  • <3> Miscellaneous Material: Trust for Thanet Archaeology. Thanet SMR, cropmark plot..
  • <4> Unpublished document: Trust For Thanet Archaeology. 1995. Overall assessment of the pottery and other finds from the 1907-9 South Cliff Parade, 1971-2 and 1974 Dumpton Gap and 1992-94 South Dumpton Downs excavations.

Finds (5)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (5)

  • Intrusive Event: Additional Evaluation Work at Dumpton Park Drive, Broadstairs 1993 (EKE8164)
  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation Trenching: Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, May 1992 (EKE8163)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Field Walking: Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, May 1992 (EKE8161)
  • Intrusive Event: Metal Detecting: Dumpton Gap & South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs, May 1992 (EKE8162)
  • Intrusive Event: South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs 1994 (EKE8165)

Record last edited

May 31 2007 3:31PM