Thesaurus Term/Concept: HUT

Identifier 68961
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A building of basic construction, usually smaller in size than a house and constructed from a variety of materials such as mud, turf, branches, wood, brick, concrete or metal. Use more specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (5)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (7)

Instances/Examples (114)

Context Record
Monument Type MKE97466 19th century Lime Kiln, quarries, huts and ditches at The Grove. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE2426 1st century hut and 2nd century timber framed building, High Street, Rochester (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124314 A Second World War air raid shelter , The Esplande, Westbrook Bay (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124317 A Second World War air raid shelter , Westbrook Avenue, Westbrook (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125630 Ablutions blocks, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116068 Anglo-Saxon and medieval enclosures and hut, Chestfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE39535 Army Battle Headquarters, Sarre (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125610 Barracks and building platforms, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125640 Barracks and building platforms, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125567 Barracks, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125582 Barracks, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125589 Barracks, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125591 Barracks, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125601 Barracks, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125604 Barracks, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125615 Barracks, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125353 Battery Station, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE5093 Belgic, Ro, Anglo-Saxon and medieval finds (Monument)
Monument Type MKE20207 Bronze Age Enclosed Settlement, St Margaret's at Cliffe (Monument)
Monument Type MKE6409 Bronze Age hoard at Monkton Court Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125517 Building and hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125600 Building platform, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125596 Building platforms, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125599 Building platforms, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125347 Bunded hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125976 Bunded huts, Foreness Point (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125940 Chain Home Low Station CHL03A huts, Foreness Point (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125948 Chain Home Low Station CHL03B hut, Foreness Point (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125950 Chain Home Low Station CHL03B hut, Foreness Point (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125949 Chain Home Low Station CHL03B huts, Foreness Point (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125951 Chain Home Low Station CHL03B huts, Foreness Point (Monument)
Monument Type MKE97741 Chain Home Low Station CHL03B huts, Foreness Point (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125177 Cluster of military buildings, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125378 Complex of military structures, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE19966 Early - mid (?) Iron Age settlement, South Dumpton Down, Broadstairs and St. Peters (Monument)
Monument Type MKE15473 Early Iron Age occupation, Hawkinge Aerodrome (Monument)
Monument Type MKE1185 Early Iron Age pot sherd findspost and possible occuaption site (Monument)
Monument Type MKE2492 Eccles Roman Villa, Eccles (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125141 Emergency water supply tanks, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124682 Firing Range, The Ridings (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125221 First Aid Post and huts, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE10122 Groundsman's hut, Royal Marines School of Music (Monument)
Monument Type MKE3512 Grovehurst, Neolithic Settlement (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125121 Gun emplacement north-west of Cliffs End, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124842 Gun emplacement, Monkton (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125420 Gun emplacements, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE90494 Heavy anti aircraft battery, North Foreland F1 (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125778 Heavy anti-aircraft gun battery, Cleve Court (Monument)
Monument Type MKE1362 Hut site ? La Tene pottery (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125631 Hut with blast walls, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124503 Hut, Broadstairs (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125426 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125447 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125450 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125451 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125452 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125453 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125563 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125569 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125572 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125575 Hut, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124515 Hut,south of Lindenthorpe Road (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125183 Huts and a bunded structure, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125212 Huts and an emergency water supply, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125331 Huts and building platforms, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125351 Huts and building platforms, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125794 Huts in Mount Pleasant Chalk Pit (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123811 Huts south-east of Sarre Court (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125980 Huts, Foreness Point (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125590 Huts, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125645 Huts, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125698 Huts, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125699 Huts, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125771 Huts, Telegraph Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MKE92177 Iron Age and Roman huts, 3 Watling Street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE5227 Iron Age bldg, Roman street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98719 Iron Age settlement, Dover town centre (Monument)
Monument Type MKE5087 Iron Age, Roman and Saxon occupation deposits (Monument)
Monument Type MKE36015 LOCK UP (Listed Building)
Monument Type MKE123462 Long Boat And Jolly Boat (Monument)
Monument Type MKE91850 Medieval ditches, pits and features probably related to a nearby farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124422 Military buildings, St Nicholas at Wade (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125058 Military features defining the south-west boundary of RAF Manston grass airfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124396 Military installation at St Nicholas Court, St Nicholas at Wade (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123725 Military installation north of Boxlees Hill Sewage Works (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125055 Military installation on Telegraph Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125180 Military installation, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125189 Military installation, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125038 Minster High Frequency Direction Finding Station (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125603 Office, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125578 Offices, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE92232 Prehistoric Hut (Whitehall Road) (Monument)
Monument Type MKE43040 Prehistoric settlement site, Cliffe (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125085 Radio Direction Finding site on RAF Manston, south-east of Manston village (Monument)
Monument Type MKE20132 Rectangular enclosure, Hartsdown, Near Margate (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125142 Repair shop, office and ablutions block serving RAF Manston's FIDO system (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125123 Roadblock north-west of Cliffs End, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MWX19330 Roman Huts, possibly associated with Roman cemetery (Monument)
Monument Type MKE4747 Roman, early medieval, and medieval pits and huts (Monument)
Monument Type MKE5411 Romano-British building (? villa), Swarling (Monument)
Monument Type MKE2991 Romano-British Hut; with pottery and animal bone finds (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125967 ROTOR Station hut, Foreness Point (Monument)
Monument Type MKE10118 Royal Marines School of Music, Deal (Monument)
Monument Type MKE93198 Second World War defended gun position, St Nicholas at Wade (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124282 Second World War gun emplacement, Westgate on Sea (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99513 Second World War heavy anti-aircraft battery and camp, Lord of the Manor (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124279 Second World War hut, Epple Bay (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124280 Second World War hut, Epple Bay (Monument)
Monument Type MKE97921 Second World War Military installation ? Chain Home Low station- west of Woodchurch (Monument)
Monument Type MKE20034 Site of a Hop-pickers hut, near The Ruffets, Lamberhurst (Building)
Monument Type MKE20035 Site of a Hop-pickers hut, near The Ruffets, Lamberhurst (Building)
Monument Type MKE125178 Slit trench and gun emplacements, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE80391 Trench system east of St. Nicholas at Wade (Monument)
Monument Type MKE1361 Undated hut site (Monument)