Monument record TR 36 NE 433 - Evidence of medieval settlement activity on land adjacent to Nash Road and Salmestone Grange, Margate


A number of medieval features were recorded during evaluation work in the fields east of St. Gregory's RC Primary School. The foundations of two buildings were observed during trenching, along with a number of ditches; one of which may have been a boundary ditch, another a palisade trench. Cropmarks of enclosures area visible on aerial photographs


Grid reference Centred TR 3547 6940 (272m by 299m)
Map sheet TR36NE
County KENT


Type and Period (6)

Full Description

<1> Trust for Thanet Archaeology, 2000, An Archaeological Evaluation Carried Out On Land Adjacent Nash Road And Salmestone Grange, St. Johns Parish, Margate, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE12691.

<2> Stratascan, 2000, Geophysical survey carried out at Salmestone Grange, Nash Road, Margate, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE12704.

<3> John Samuels Archaeological Consultants, Thanet Local Plan. Archaeology Proof of Evidence, Nash Road, Margate (Unpublished document). SKE12714.

<4> John Samuels Archaeological Consultants, 2004, Thanet Local Plan, Nash Road, Margate, Appendices to Archaeology Proof of Evidence by Daniel Slatcher BA, MA, MIFA (Unpublished document). SKE12715.

<5> Stratascan, 2004, Salmestone Grange, Margate, Kent. Geophysical Survey Report, 2004. (Unpublished document). SKE12716.

<6> Historic England Archive, 1949-1976, Historic England Archive CUCAP oblique aerial photographs, CUCAP BTG84 26-JUN-1975 (Archive). SKE57107.

<7> Historic England Archive, 1949-1976, Historic England Archive CUCAP oblique aerial photographs, CUCAP BTG99 26-JUN-1975 (Archive). SKE57107.

<8> Historic England Archive, 1920-2024, Historic England Archive Specialist oblique aerial photographs, HEA 35363_002 24-JUN-2024 (Archive). SKE57106.

<9> Historic England Archive, 1920-2024, Historic England Archive Specialist oblique aerial photographs, HEA 29747_042 29-JUN-2015 (Archive). SKE57106.

Sources/Archives (9)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Trust for Thanet Archaeology. 2000. An Archaeological Evaluation Carried Out On Land Adjacent Nash Road And Salmestone Grange, St. Johns Parish, Margate, Kent.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Stratascan. 2000. Geophysical survey carried out at Salmestone Grange, Nash Road, Margate, Kent.
  • <3> Unpublished document: John Samuels Archaeological Consultants. Thanet Local Plan. Archaeology Proof of Evidence, Nash Road, Margate.
  • <4> Unpublished document: John Samuels Archaeological Consultants. 2004. Thanet Local Plan, Nash Road, Margate, Appendices to Archaeology Proof of Evidence by Daniel Slatcher BA, MA, MIFA.
  • <5> Unpublished document: Stratascan. 2004. Salmestone Grange, Margate, Kent. Geophysical Survey Report, 2004..
  • <6> Archive: Historic England Archive. 1949-1976. Historic England Archive CUCAP oblique aerial photographs. CUCAP BTG84 26-JUN-1975.
  • <7> Archive: Historic England Archive. 1949-1976. Historic England Archive CUCAP oblique aerial photographs. CUCAP BTG99 26-JUN-1975.
  • <8> Archive: Historic England Archive. 1920-2024. Historic England Archive Specialist oblique aerial photographs. HEA 35363_002 24-JUN-2024.
  • <9> Archive: Historic England Archive. 1920-2024. Historic England Archive Specialist oblique aerial photographs. HEA 29747_042 29-JUN-2015.

Finds (4)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (4)

  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation on land adjacent to Nash Road and Salmestone Grange, St. John's Parish, Margate (EKE8985)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Geophysical survey at Salmestone Grange, Nash Road, Margate (Ref: Ref no.1487) (EKE8997)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Historic England Thanet Landscape - Aerial Investigation Mapping (EKE23827)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Salmestone Grange, Margate, Kent. Geophysical Survey Report, 2004. (Ref: Job no.1852) (EKE9007)

Record last edited

Dec 17 2024 4:50PM