Monument record TQ 86 SE 94 - Late Iron Age and Roman occupation site, Bredgar CE Primary School


A Late Iron Age enclosure and Roman ditches and buildings, dating from the 1st century through to the 3rd century AD.


Grid reference TQ 88039 60287 (point)
Map sheet TQ86SE
County KENT
District SWALE, KENT


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

In 2003 a watching brief on two geotechnical test pits revealed three separate cut features, dated to the early Roman period. Due to the concentration of features, the fact that two phases of activity were noted and the presence of Roman building material, it is suggested that there could be a early Roman farmstead in the vicinity. No evidence recorded dates to later than the early second century, although due to the limited area of the investigation, a broader range of dates for occupation in the area seems possible.

Test Pit 1 revealed two archaeological features of mid first to early second century date. The first was a linear ditch or large pit which contained several flints, several sherds of fine flint grit-tempered pottery (representing a native style jar with combed decoration) and one sherd of Roman 'Upchurch' type ware of mid to late first century date. This feature was cut by a second feature (of unknown function), containing poorly fired clay tile, 2 sherds of samian ware and three sherds of roman courseware (1 with cordon decoration).

Test pit 2 revealed a large feature with three fills, the lower fill containing one cream coloured roman imbrex roof tile, 2 large pieces of hard baked clay (bricks?), 1 sherd of hard sandy ware pottery, 13 sherds of 'Native' style grog-tempered war pottery and several pottery sherds forming the rim and shoulder of an outcurved rimmed jar, with a black burnished exterior. The middle fill contained 3 corroded iron objects (possibly nails), the upper fill contained a late Iron Age 'Native' sherd, a white-slipped sandy ware pottery sherd and several large pieces of red roman roof/floor tile and an Imbrex tile. (1)

In 2002 Canterbury Archaeological Trust carried out a strip map and sample excavation on the site. The earliest phase of activity was represented by a ditch containing pottery from the mid and late 1st century BC. This ditch formed part of an enclosure. This was replaced by a second Late Iron Age enclosure which in turn was backfilled in the early Roman period when a large ditch was dug across the area. A building was possibly constructed on the site at this time (though later disturbance of the area made identification difficult). Post holes were found possibly forming part of a structure. A number of gullies and pits were found across the site. This very early Roman occupation of the site was sealed below a plough soil layer suggesting the site was instead used for agriculture at the end of the 1st century AD. The site was again occupied in the later first to early 2nd century when a rectangular building was constructed. The building had been c.8m x 4m with flint foundations for a probably timber structure. The site was again abandoned in the early to mid 2nd century when demolition deposits were scattered. Later Roman pottery was found in a number of features suggesting activity on or in the vicinity of the site in the late Roman period. (2-3)

<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2003, Watching Brief on two Geotechnical Test Pits at Bredgar CE School, Bredgar, near Sittingbourne (Unpublished document). SKE13120.

<2> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2003, Interim report on the results of an Archaeological strip and map excavation on land at Bredgar CE (Aided) Primary School, Bredgar, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE17526.

<3> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2005, A Late Iron Age-early Roman site at Bredgar, near Sittingbourne: Pre-publication draft (Unpublished document). SKE18191.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2003. Watching Brief on two Geotechnical Test Pits at Bredgar CE School, Bredgar, near Sittingbourne.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2003. Interim report on the results of an Archaeological strip and map excavation on land at Bredgar CE (Aided) Primary School, Bredgar, Kent.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2005. A Late Iron Age-early Roman site at Bredgar, near Sittingbourne: Pre-publication draft.

Finds (7)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Intrusive Event: Strip, map and sample excavation at Bredgar Primary School (Ref: BPSB-EX-03) (EKE11901)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching Brief on two Geotechnical Test Pits at Bredgar CE Primary School, Bredgar, near Sittingbourne (Ref: BSB-WB-03) (EKE9411)

Record last edited

Mar 7 2013 4:49PM