Monument record MWX43302 - Hay stack stances and ridge and furrow, south of the Stour, Ash


Two areas of ridge and furrow and six small circular features are visible as cropmarks on 1940s RAF vertical aerial photographs. The circular features range in size from c.6-8m in diameter and are interpreted as hay stack stances. There is no clear relationship between these features and the ridge and furrow. The ridge and furrow is fairly broadly spaced so may be medieval or earlier post-medieval in date.


Grid reference Centred TR 29338 62575 (601m by 234m)
Map sheet TR26SE
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT
Civil Parish ASH, DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<2> Wessex Archaeology, 2009-10, South-East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey - Aerial Photographic Transcriptions (Digital archive). SWX15705.

<2> Wessex Archaeology, 2011, South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey - (SE RCZAS) Phase 1: National Mapping Programme Report (Unpublished document). SKE25955.

<2> Cornwall Council Historic Environment Projects and Gloucestershire County Council, 2011, South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey National Mapping Programme Components 1&2: Results of NMP Mapping (Unpublished document). SKE25954.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <2> Unpublished document: Cornwall Council Historic Environment Projects and Gloucestershire County Council. 2011. South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey National Mapping Programme Components 1&2: Results of NMP Mapping.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2011. South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey - (SE RCZAS) Phase 1: National Mapping Programme Report.
  • <2> Digital archive: Wessex Archaeology. 2009-10. South-East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey - Aerial Photographic Transcriptions.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (28)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: South-East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey (Ref: 71330) (EWX10065)

Record last edited

May 17 2018 10:09AM