Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE15695 - Archaeological excavation along the route of the Eynsford to Horton Kirby water main

Title Archaeological excavation along the route of the Eynsford to Horton Kirby water main
Date/Year 2007


Account of a series of excavations along the route of the new water main. Features relating to the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Medieval periods were discovered.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2007/237

Referenced Monuments (7)

  • Late Iron Age / early Roman activity north east of the High Cross road junction (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age and Roman field boundaries, ditches and pits north west of High Cross, Dartford (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age and Roman field boundaries, ditches and pits north west of High Cross, Dartford (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age to Medieval features and pottery found during the construction of the Eynsford to Horton Kirby water main in 2007 (Monument)
  • Prehistoric and Roman features, including probable Bronze Age barrow, north of Betsham Lane, Dartford (Monument)
  • Probable late Bronze Age / early Iron Age pit (Monument)
  • Undated features found during sewer works in 2007 (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE10058 Assessment of excavation along the route of the Eynsford to Horton Kirby Water Main (Ref: Job: 3618)

Record last edited

Jun 1 2015 2:28PM