Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE16688 - Excavations along the route of the Eynsford to Horton Kirby pipeline: prehistoric to medieval activity

Title Excavations along the route of the Eynsford to Horton Kirby pipeline: prehistoric to medieval activity
Date/Year 2008


Excavations carried out along the route of a new water pipeline from Lane End to Betsham in Kent.

External Links (0)


Unpublished Document.


Kent County Council Heritage 2011/17

Referenced Monuments (6)

  • Late Iron Age / early Roman activity north east of the High Cross road junction (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age and Roman field boundaries, ditches and pits north west of High Cross, Dartford (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age to Medieval features and pottery found during the construction of the Eynsford to Horton Kirby water main in 2007 (Monument)
  • Prehistoric and Roman features, including probable Bronze Age barrow, north of Betsham Lane, Dartford (Monument)
  • Probable late Bronze Age / early Iron Age pit (Monument)
  • Undated features found during sewer works in 2007 (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE10058 Assessment of excavation along the route of the Eynsford to Horton Kirby Water Main (Ref: Job: 3618)

Record last edited

Apr 27 2011 12:32PM