Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31478 - Tenterden Southern Extension Land North-East of Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Report

Title Tenterden Southern Extension Land North-East of Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Report
Date/Year 2015


The report summarises the Archaeological evaluation that took place on land North-East of Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent. The report summarises the findings and "documents the results from the archaeological evaluation, along with an assessment of the archaeological material recorded." From the Report: "Wessex Archaeology was commissioned … to undertake an archaeological evaluation on land north east of Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent... The evaluation was undertaken prior to the submission of a planning application to Ashford Borough Council for the redevelopment of the Site as a residential housing estate. This report details evaluation work undertaken at the Site. Twenty-four (50m x 1.8m) trenches were initially planned divided into Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the proposed development. Only trenches located in Phase 1 were excavated due to access, and several trenches were relocated from their original positions due to on site contraints such as the presance of below ground services. The archaeological evaluation has confirmed the presence of probable field/drainage boundary ditches in seven of the excavated trenches. The lack of dating evidence from the features restricts any firm conclusion as to when they originated. With the exception of a single tree throw or pit all the archaeological features identified and recorded suggest that past activities on the Site have been restricted to agricultural use with only slight change in the land divisions and boundaries. This is likely due to the heavy nature of the underlying Wealden clay and poor drainage of the Site indicated by the presence of two ponds within the centre of the Site. A small collection of prehistoric, Roman, medieval and post-medieval finds were collected primarily from the topsoil and subsoil horizons. This may be an indication that contemporary archaeological remains are present close to the Site although the abraded nature of the finds does suggest that they are residual. The only feature on the Site from which dating evidence was recovered was a tree throw with pottery possible of Late Iron Age or early Romano-British date. The archaeological evaluation was undertaken between the 26th of August and the 11th of September 2015."

External Links (0)


Unpublished Document


Kent County Council Heritage 2015/346

Referenced Monuments (6)

  • Late Iron Age pottery sherd, Smallhythe Road (Findspot)
  • Late Iron Age Pottery Sherds, Smallhythe Road (Findspot)
  • Medieval Pottery sherds, Smallhythe Road (Findspot)
  • Post-Medieval Pottery and Clay Tobacco Pipes, Smallhythe Road (Findspot)
  • Prehistoric Worked Flint, Smallhythe Road (Monument)
  • Undated ditches, gullies, and probable hedgerows, Smallhythe Road (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE14922 Tenterden Southern Extension Land North-East of Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation (Ref: WA Project No. 110660.03)

Record last edited

Jan 14 2025 8:27AM