Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX12846 - Shorne Wood Country Park
Title | Shorne Wood Country Park |
Author/Originator | Oxford Archaeology |
Date/Year | 2005 |
A deskbased and site walkover assessment of Shorne Wood country Park and areas of Randall Wood and Brewers Wood which are planned for incorporation. The survey identified one possible Bronze Age barrow site, a possible Roman road, the known site of a Medieval manor with associated fishpnds, some minor post medieval parkland features, post medieval and early modern extraction sites, and some World War 2 barrack with possible defensive positions. The survey suggests that the remains are unlikely to a largely increased visitor numbers and proposes a low key management policy.
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Spiral Bound, 23 pages plus appendicies and five figures
Kent County Council Heritage 2005/73
Referenced Monuments (35)
- TQ 67 SE 274 An area of quarry drainage ditches, Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 275 Area of modern day clay extraction, Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 273 Circular pit of unknown date, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 79 Circular pit of unknown date, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 81 Concentration of brick rubble, probable former structure, Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 272 Curving Lynchet Bank, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 94 Ditch, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 92 Ditch, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 88 Drainage Channel, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 85 Extant Sluice Gate, Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 268 Extensive clay extraction quarry, Shorne Wood Country Park (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 91 Flint Scraper, Shorne Wood (Findspot)
- TQ 67 SE 271 Historic Hedgerow, Shorne Wood (Hedgerow)
- TQ 66 NE 84 Line of former tramway, Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 77 Lynchet Bank, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 266 Lynchet Banks, Randall Heath (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 87 Lynchet, Shorne Wood Country Park (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 265 Mediaeval Windmill Mound , Randall Heath (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 83 Monolith, Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 93 Plantation Ridge, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 95 Plantation Ridge, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 80 Possible drainage ditch? Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 90 Possible microlith, Shorne Wood (Findspot)
- TQ 66 NE 86 Possible platform, Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 76 Post Medieval Clay Pits, Shorne Wood Country Park (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 270 Post Medieval Marl Pit, Shorne Wood Country Park (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 269 Post Medieval Marl Pit, Shorne Wood Country Park (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 89 Quarry, Brewers Wood, Shorne Woods Country Park (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 276 Quarry, Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 82 Remains of reservoir associated with modern clay extraction, Shorne Wood (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 224 Shorne Wood Country Park (Place)
- TQ 66 NE 78 Sunken Lane, Brewers Wood (Monument)
- TQ 67 SE 267 Sunken Lane, Randall Heath (Monument)
- TQ 92 NW 18 The Royal Military Canal (Monument)
- TQ 66 NE 75 World War Two RAF camp dispersed site for RAF Gravesend (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EWX9123 Walkover Survey at Randall's Wood, Shorne (Ref: OA Job No. 4999)
Record last edited
Jun 19 2006 12:52PM