Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX6767 - A2/A282 Dartford - Historic Environmental Assessment
Title | A2/A282 Dartford - Historic Environmental Assessment |
Author/Originator | Canterbury Archaeological Trust |
Date/Year | 1994 Jan |
External Links (0)
SMR monument record created
Kent County Council Heritage 1994/5
Referenced Monuments (31)
- TQ 57 SE 126 Blackdale Farm Cottages (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 162 Branton's Brickfield (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 133 Brick Kiln Field (Possible Site of Post-Medieval Brickworks), Darenth (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 125 Brickworks at Badgers Mount, Darenth (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 151 Bronze Age or Iron Age Site, Nr Darenth Road, Darenth (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 163 Chalk Quarry, Darenth (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 128 Charcoal and saltpetre works associated with gunpowder works, Darenth Road, Dartford (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 38 Darenth Wood medieval earthworks (Monument)
- TQ 57 SW 33 Dartford Mills (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 129 Dusting House, Dartford Powder Mill (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 127 Gore Cottages (Monument)
- TQ 57 SW 190 Hawley Manor (Monument)
- TQ 57 SW 190 Hawley Manor (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 124 Hawley Mill (site of) (Monument)
- TQ 77 SW 63 Holland's farm (site), medieval settlement/farm (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 119 Iron Age Farmstead Site (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 119 Iron Age Farmstead Site (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 130 Late Post-Medieval Powder Magazine, Dartford (Monument)
- TQ 57 SW 416 Late Post-Medieval Zinc Works, Dartford (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 67 Mesolithic findspot (Findspot)
- TQ 57 SE 96 Mesolithic flintworking and small prehistoric lake site (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 96 Mesolithic flintworking and small prehistoric lake site (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 111 Ring Ditch, Green Road, Nr Lane End (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 112 Ring Ditch, West of Green Road, Nr, Lane End (Monument)
- TQ 57 SW 11 Roman Building (Site of) Tenters Field (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 23 Site of a former suspected barrow group, New Town, Dartford (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 98 Site of Neolithic Farmstead (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 98 Site of Neolithic Farmstead (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 32 Two pits containing Romano-British pottery at Branton's Brickfield (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 32 Two pits containing Romano-British pottery at Branton's Brickfield (Monument)
- TQ 57 SE 32 Two pits containing Romano-British pottery at Branton's Brickfield (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Feb 19 2004 3:25AM