Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX7080 - An Archaeological Watching Brief on the Sparrow Castle - Manston Water Main
Title | An Archaeological Watching Brief on the Sparrow Castle - Manston Water Main |
Author/Originator | Trust For Thanet Archaeology |
Date/Year | 1989 |
Monitoring work on pipleline work
External Links (0)
SMR monument record created
Kent County Council Heritage 1989/22
Referenced Monuments (11)
- TR 36 NW 405 Coin of Charles I found near Cheeseman's Farm, Minster (Findspot)
- TR 36 NW 370 Ditch near Manston Airport, Acol (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 385 Elizabethan coin found near Cheeseman's Farm, Minster (Findspot)
- TR 36 NW 368 Iron Age pits at Manston (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 387 Probable World War II aircraft crash site, near Manston Airfield, Acol (Crash Site)
- TR 36 NW 205 Roman enclosure cropmarks and undated barrows, Acol (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 369 Romano-British or later pits at Manston (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 369 Romano-British or later pits at Manston (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 386 Romano-Britsh pottery sherds and tile fragments, near Manston Park, Minster parish (Findspot)
- TR 36 NW 388 Undated ditches, off Manston Road, Minster parish (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 384 Unidentified pit, near Manston Airport, Minster parish (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE8131 Watching Brief on the Sparrow Castle - Manston Water Pipeline
Record last edited
Apr 23 2007 1:13PM