Thesaurus Term/Concept: GOLF COURSE
Identifier | 69943 |
Status | Preferred |
Index? | Yes |
Scope Note | A prepared area of ground used to play the game of golf on. |
Broader Terms/Concepts (1)
Related Terms/Concepts (3)
Narrower Terms/Concepts (2)
Instances/Examples (4)
Context | Record |
Monument Type | MKE125216 A green and bunkers of the former Hengrove Golf Course 1896-1939 (Monument) |
Monument Type | MKE9339 Belmont park (Landscape) |
Monument Type | MKE9323 Leeds Castle Park (Landscape) |
Monument Type | MWX18736 The earthwork remains of a Twentieth century golf course on Filborough Marshes are visible on aerial photographs taken in 1950 (Monument) |