Monument record TQ 97 SE 1 - St. Mary and St. Sexburga's, Minster-in-Sheppey
Grid reference | Centred TQ 956 730 (263m by 158m) Centred on |
Map sheet | TQ97SE |
County | KENT |
District | SWALE, KENT |
Type and Period (4)
- AUGUSTINIAN NUNNERY (Dissolved, Medieval - 1130 AD (between) to 1186 AD (between))
- AUGUSTINIAN NUNNERY (Dissolved, Medieval - 1396 AD (between) to 1536 AD (between))
- BENEDICTINE NUNNERY (Abandoned, Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 670 AD? (between) to 890 AD? (between))
- BENEDICTINE NUNNERY (BENEDICTINE NUNNERY, Medieval - 1186 AD (between) to 1396 AD (between))
Full Description
<1> OS 25" (OS Card Reference). SKE48250.
<2> OS 1" 1819 (OS Card Reference). SKE48105.
<3> by David Knowles, R Neville Hadcock, 1971, Medieval religious houses in England and Wales, 1953, Page Nos. 215, 229 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6370.
<4> Country Life Vol.1(1897) -, 1955 (MM Bell and SJ Weaver), Volume Nos. 117, Page Nos. 1662 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6363.
<5> The Abbey Church of Minster Sheppey 16 (Mory Hall) Recent undated (OS Card Reference). SKE49921.
<6> F1 AS Phillips 25-AUG-1959 (OS Card Reference). SKE41854.
<7> F2 CW Wardale 13-AUG-1963 (OS Card Reference). SKE43298.
<8> OS 1:2500 1971 (OS Card Reference). SKE48213.
<9> Kent Archaeological Society, Archaeologia Cantiana, being contributions to the history and archaeology of Kent vol 1 (1858)-, 1897 (J Cave-Brown), Volume Nos. 22, Page Nos. 165-168 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6334.
<10> Page, W. (ed), 1926, The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Kent Volume II, Kent 1926, Volume Nos. 2, Page Nos. 149-50 (Monograph). SKE7944.
<11> The Buildings of England Most volumes held, NE and E Kent 1983 (J Newman & N Pevsner), Page Nos. 393 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6338.
<12> by David Knowles, R Neville Hadcock, 1971, Medieval religious houses in England and Wales, 1971 edition, Page Nos. 261, 282 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6370.
<14> Grose F 1785 'The Antiquities of England and Wales' Hooper & Wigstead London, Volume Nos. 3, Page (OS Card Reference). SKE43633.
<15> Struth, P & Richmond H, MAR-94, RCHME Field Investigation (OS Card Reference). SKE49689.
<16> K Fernie JUN-1995 RCHME Recording (OS Card Reference). SKE45207.
<17> Field report for monument TQ 97 SE 1 - August, 1959 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4996.
<18> Field report for monument TQ 97 SE 1 - August, 1963 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4997.
<21> RCHME: Anglo Saxon Monasteries in Kent, Essex and Greater London (Collection). SKE6500.
<22> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, CAT 1993 Evaluation at Minster Abbey Gardens (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.
<23> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, Info from Simion Pratt (CAT) (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.
<24> Philp, B & Chenery, M, 1998, Prehistoric and Monastic Sites at Minster Abbey, Sheppey, Kent (Monograph). SKE12306.
<25> Not Given (Collection). SKE6506.
<26> The Faversham Society, 2000, Geophysical Survey of Land to the East of Minster Abbey, Sheppey (Unpublished document). SKE12314.
<27> RCHME, 1995, Thames Gateway: Recording Historic Buildings And Landscapes On The Thames Estuary (Unpublished document). SKE17329.
<28> Paul J Morgan, 2005, Site Report: 37 Queen's Road, Minster on Sea, ME12 2BH (Unpublished document). SKE17679.
<29> Weekes, J., 2012, Canterbury Archaeological Trust Interim Reports, Archaeologia Cantiana CXXXII 2012: 299-301 (Article in serial). SKE25119.
<30> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.
<31> Historic England, Archive material associated with Abbey Of St Mary And St Sexburga, Scheduled Monument (Archive). SKE54390.
<32> Andy Putman and Simon Pratt, 2018, Resistivity survey, north of Minster Abbey Church, Sheppey (Unpublished document). SKE53363.
Sources/Archives (30)
- <1> SKE48250 OS Card Reference: OS 25".
- <2> SKE48105 OS Card Reference: OS 1" 1819.
- <3> SKE6370 Bibliographic reference: by David Knowles, R Neville Hadcock. 1971. Medieval religious houses in England and Wales. 1953, Page Nos. 215, 229.
- <4> SKE6363 Bibliographic reference: Country Life Vol.1(1897) -. 1955 (MM Bell and SJ Weaver), Volume Nos. 117, Page Nos. 1662.
- <5> SKE49921 OS Card Reference: The Abbey Church of Minster Sheppey 16 (Mory Hall) Recent undated.
- <6> SKE41854 OS Card Reference: F1 AS Phillips 25-AUG-1959.
- <7> SKE43298 OS Card Reference: F2 CW Wardale 13-AUG-1963.
- <8> SKE48213 OS Card Reference: OS 1:2500 1971.
- <9> SKE6334 Bibliographic reference: Kent Archaeological Society. Archaeologia Cantiana, being contributions to the history and archaeology of Kent vol 1 (1858)-. 1897 (J Cave-Brown), Volume Nos. 22, Page Nos. 165-168.
- <10> SKE7944 Monograph: Page, W. (ed). 1926. The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Kent Volume II. Kent 1926, Volume Nos. 2, Page Nos. 149-50.
- <11> SKE6338 Bibliographic reference: The Buildings of England Most volumes held. NE and E Kent 1983 (J Newman & N Pevsner), Page Nos. 393.
- <12> SKE6370 Bibliographic reference: by David Knowles, R Neville Hadcock. 1971. Medieval religious houses in England and Wales. 1971 edition, Page Nos. 261, 282.
- <14> SKE43633 OS Card Reference: Grose F 1785 'The Antiquities of England and Wales' Hooper & Wigstead London, Volume Nos. 3, Page.
- <15> SKE49689 OS Card Reference: Struth, P & Richmond H, MAR-94, RCHME Field Investigation.
- <16> SKE45207 OS Card Reference: K Fernie JUN-1995 RCHME Recording.
- <17> SKE4996 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 97 SE 1 - August, 1959.
- <18> SKE4997 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 97 SE 1 - August, 1963.
- <21> SKE6500 Collection: RCHME: Anglo Saxon Monasteries in Kent, Essex and Greater London.
- <22> SKE6440 Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. CAT 1993 Evaluation at Minster Abbey Gardens.
- <23> SKE6440 Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. Info from Simion Pratt (CAT).
- <24> SKE12306 Monograph: Philp, B & Chenery, M. 1998. Prehistoric and Monastic Sites at Minster Abbey, Sheppey, Kent.
- <25> SKE6506 Collection: Not Given.
- <26> SKE12314 Unpublished document: The Faversham Society. 2000. Geophysical Survey of Land to the East of Minster Abbey, Sheppey.
- <27> SKE17329 Unpublished document: RCHME. 1995. Thames Gateway: Recording Historic Buildings And Landscapes On The Thames Estuary.
- <28> SKE17679 Unpublished document: Paul J Morgan. 2005. Site Report: 37 Queen's Road, Minster on Sea, ME12 2BH.
- <29> SKE25119 Article in serial: Weekes, J.. 2012. Canterbury Archaeological Trust Interim Reports. Arch Cant CXXXII: 291-305. Archaeologia Cantiana CXXXII 2012: 299-301.
- <30>XY SKE16191 Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments. [Mapped feature: #490 minster, ]
- <31> SKE54390 Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Abbey Of St Mary And St Sexburga, Scheduled Monument.
- <32> SKE53363 Unpublished document: Andy Putman and Simon Pratt. 2018. Resistivity survey, north of Minster Abbey Church, Sheppey.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (9)
- Parent of: Early Medieval Cemetery, Minster Abbey, Sheppey (Monument) (TQ 97 SE 60)
- Parent of: Early Medieval Ditch, Falcons Gardens (Monument) (TQ 97 SE 65)
- Parent of: Early Medieval Feature, Minster-in-Sheppey (Findspot) (TQ 97 SE 63)
- Parent of: Early Medieval Features, Minster Abbey Garden, Minster-in-Sheppey (Monument) (TQ 97 SE 41)
- Parent of: Medieval Features Associated with Minster Abbey, Minster Abbey Gardens, Minster-in-Sheppey (Monument) (TQ 97 SE 42)
- Parent of: Site of graveyard (Monument) (TQ 97 SE 26)
- Parent of: THE ABBEY CHURCH OF ST MARY AND ST SEXBURGA (Listed Building) (TQ 97 SE 1070)
- Parent of: THE ABBEY GATEHOUSE (Listed Building) (TQ 97 SE 1052)
- Part of: Early Medieval Settlement (Monument) (TQ 97 SE 30)
Related Events/Activities (6)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at Minster Abbey, Sheppey (EKE8611)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Geophysical Survey at Minster Abbey, Minster in Sheppey (EKE8620)
- Intrusive Event: Minster Abbey Gardens, Minster-in-Sheppey (Ref: MAG 93) (EKE8208)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Resistivity survey, north of Minster Abbey Church, Sheppey, 2018 (EKE21940)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief at 37 Queen's Road, Minster-on-Sea (EKE12072)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief at the vicarage, Minster (EKE13128)
Record last edited
Jan 9 2023 3:36PM