Monument record TR 36 NW 1167 - Iron Age horseshoe enclosure, ditches and boundaries discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011)


During the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) in Zone 23, a group of Iron Age features were uncovered. This included horseshoe enclosure possibly originally a livestock enclosure and several ditches/trackways which probably represent parts of a field system. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3167 6561 (265m by 103m) (26 map features)
Map sheet TR36NW
County KENT


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

<1> Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture, 2011, East Kent Access (Phase II), Thanet, Kent: Post-Excavation Assessment Volume 1 (Unpublished document). SKE29279.

<2> Andrews et al, 2015, Digging The Gateway: Archaeological Landscapes of South Thanet. The Archaeology of East Kent Access (Phase III) Vol 1: The sites (Monograph). SKE55517.

<3> Thanet Archaeological Services, 2021, Land adjacent to Laundry Road Minster, Kent, Archaeological Appraisal and Assessment of Potential (Unpublished document). SKE57864.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1>XY Unpublished document: Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2011. East Kent Access (Phase II), Thanet, Kent: Post-Excavation Assessment Volume 1. [Mapped feature: #113978 Iron Age features, ]
  • <2> Monograph: Andrews et al. 2015. Digging The Gateway: Archaeological Landscapes of South Thanet. The Archaeology of East Kent Access (Phase III) Vol 1: The sites.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Thanet Archaeological Services. 2021. Land adjacent to Laundry Road Minster, Kent, Archaeological Appraisal and Assessment of Potential.

Finds (1)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Intrusive Event: Excavations along the route of the East Kent Access route (A256) - Zone 23 (EKE22429)
  • Event Boundary: Excavations along the route of the East Kent Access route (A256) 2009-2011 (EKE13407)

Record last edited

Dec 9 2024 8:10AM