Source/Archive record (Monograph) SKE55517 - Digging The Gateway: Archaeological Landscapes of South Thanet. The Archaeology of East Kent Access (Phase III) Vol 1: The sites
Title | Digging The Gateway: Archaeological Landscapes of South Thanet. The Archaeology of East Kent Access (Phase III) Vol 1: The sites |
Author/Originator | Andrews et al |
Date/Year | 2015 |
External Links (0)
Referenced Monuments (71)
- TR 36 NW 1147 1st to 3rd century AD cemetery discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1144 Anglo-Saxon cemetery (northern) discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1143 Anglo-Saxon cemetery (southern) discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SE 739 Anglo-Saxon cemetery discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 371 Anglo-Saxon features including sunken featured buildings discovered across Zones 9-11 of the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SE 781 Anglo-Saxon pits representing possible settlement/activity areas discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 33 Bronze Age enclosure and ring ditch (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1148 Ditches of an Iron Age field system discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 453 Early and middle Roman ditches across Zone 7 and 8 of the East Kent Access Excavations (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 353 Early neolithic flint working floor, Ebbsfleet Farm Cottages (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 442 Early neolithic pits discovered during East Kent Access excavations (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 450 Early Roman activity comprisng trackways and enclosures located across Zone 6 of the East Kent Access Excavations. (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1354 Early Roman enclosure and sunken featured buildings discovered during East Kent Access Excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1153 Early to Middle Iron Age post-built structures, ditch, pit and inhumation discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 445 Early to middle Iron Age trackways, ditches and enclosures, East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 444 Evidence for Bronze Age settlement, discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1155 Five sunken-feature buildings discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 369 Iron Age ditches, enclosures and post-built structures discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 345 Iron Age drip gully and possible structure found during East Kent Access Route excavations (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 346 Iron Age enclosure ditches, and settlement evidence (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 387 Iron Age features north of the trapezoidal enclosure discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1174 Iron Age features, including probable post-built structure and inhumation discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 404 Iron age field system discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 447 Iron Age hollow way, Zone 12 of the East Kent Access excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1167 Iron Age horseshoe enclosure, ditches and boundaries discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 356 Iron Age settlement discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) - Zone 6 (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 448 Large Late Iron Age/early Roman defensive ditches (Monument)
- TR 26 SW 443 Large pit containing early Neolithic flint discovered during East Kent Access excavations (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1149 Late Anglo-Saxon pits discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 456 Late Bronze Age hoards discovered on the Ebbsfleet peninsula, Thanet (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 341 Late Iron Age and Roman features at the southern end of the Ebbsfleet Penninsula (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 363 Late Iron Age and Roman settlement, discovered during East Kent Access Route excavations 2009-2011, zone 9 (Monument)
- TR 36 SE 738 Late iron age enclosure and features discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 449 Late Iron Age or early Roman graves discovered in Zone 4 of the East Kent Access excavations. (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 452 Late Roman activity across zone 6 of the East Kent Access Excavations (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 372 Medieval ditches discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 347 Medieval ditches, Ebbsfleet Farm Cottages (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 340 Medieval ditches, pits and features probably related to a nearby farmstead (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 349 Medieval field system found at Weatherlees WWTW Pond (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 357 Medieval or post medieval field system, Ebbsfleet Farm Cottages (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 377 Middle Iron Age inhumation burials, discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 386 Middle iron age pits east of the trapezoidal enclosure discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 389 Middle Iron Age pits south of the trapezoidal enclosure discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 384 Middle iron age pits, trapezoidal enclosure, sunken feature building discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 451 Middle Roman activity across zone 6 of the East Kent Access Excavations (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 375 Middle to late iron age enclosures and trackways possibly relating to agricultural settlement (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 446 Middle to Late Iron Age settlement discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) - Zone 7-8 (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 344 Neolithic flint including leaf-shaped arrowheads found during East Kent Access Route excavations (Findspot)
- TR 36 SE 737 Neolithic pits discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 354 Neolithic polished stone axe, and fragemnts of further polished axes Ebbsfleet Farm Cottages (Findspot)
- TR 36 SW 352 Neolithic subsoils and struck flints, Ebbsfleet Farm Cottages (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1158 Part of a Roman field system and small group of other features discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 400 Pit containing neolithic pottery discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1168 Possible Roman or medieval features discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 399 Post-medieval chalk quarries and associated features discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 391 Post-medieval chalk quarry discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 455 Probable late medieval well near Weatherlees Farm (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 454 Roman cemetery associated with late Iron Age and Roman settlement area discovered during east Kent Access excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1136 Roman circular enclosure discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 370 Roman ditches, enclosures and boundary ditches discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 395 Roman enclosures, pits and ditches discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1137 Roman fields, enclosures, and cremation burials, possibly part of a 'ladder' settlement, Minster (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 390 Roman sunken-featured buildings and pits discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1138 Roman trackway discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1146 Romano-British cemetery discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 378 Romano-British ditches and hollow way discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1161 Second World War zig-zag defensive trench discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1160 Small Anglo-Saxon cemetery discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 SW 343 Small medieval farmstead (farmstead B), enclosures and boundary ditches, Ebbsfleet (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1156 Small Roman cemetery discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
- TR 36 NW 1154 Two large trackways of late Iron Age / Roman date discovered during the East Kent Access Route excavations (2009-2011) (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Dec 11 2023 4:58PM