Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE6599 - Dover, Russell Street, 1990 - Assessment

Title Dover, Russell Street, 1990 - Assessment
Date/Year 1990


Report of an evaluation carried out at Russell Street Car Park in 1990.

External Links (0)


Unpublished grey lit report produced by Oxford Archaeology.


Kent County Council Heritage 1990/8

Referenced Monuments (7)

  • 19th century cellar, Russell Street car park, Dover (Monument)
  • Medieval chalk and cobbled surfaces, Russell Street car park, Dover (Monument)
  • Medieval chalk block boundary walls, Russell Street car park, Dover (Monument)
  • Medieval chalk block wall and rammed chalk floor, Russell Street car park, Dover (Monument)
  • Medieval occupation, Russell Street car park, Dover (Monument)
  • Medieval oven, Russell Street car park, Dover (Monument)
  • Medieval wall, gully and soakaway, Russell Street car park, Dover (Monument)

Referenced Events (4)

  • EKE4872 Evaluation in Russell Street car park, Dover 1990 (Ref: DRS 90)
  • EKE15080 Evaluation in Russell Street car park, Dover 1990: Trench 1 (Ref: DRS 90)
  • EKE15081 Evaluation in Russell Street car park, Dover 1990: Trench 2 (Ref: DRS 90)
  • EKE15082 Evaluation in Russell Street car park, Dover 1990: Trench 3 (Ref: DRS 90)

Record last edited

Nov 24 2016 10:31AM