Source/Archive record (Photograph (Print)) SWX10223 - Photograph

Title Photograph
Date/Year 1998


External Links (0)


print quality good, type of view: maritime, low water


Environment Agency

Referenced Monuments (20)

  • Line of double piles (Monument)
  • Line of single piles (Monument)
  • Remains of lighter barge visible 1946 (Maritime)
  • Remains of lighter barge visible 1946, forming sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of lighter barge visible in 1946, used to create sea defence barrier (Maritime)
  • Remains of lighter barge, visible 1946, used to create defensive barrier (Maritime)
  • Remains of lighter barge, visible 1946, used to create defensive barrier (Maritime)
  • Remains of lighter barge, visible 1946, used to create sea barrier (Maritime)
  • Remains of lighter barge, visible 1946. forming a sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Remains of unidentified vessel, visible 1998, used to create sea defence (Maritime)
  • Unknown (Maritime)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jul 3 2000 12:00AM