Monument record TR 15 NW 116 - Canterbury city walls


The city walls of Canterbury are some of the most interesting and in places best preserved, of their kind in southern England. The whole of the medieval city wall was on the same line as the Roman city wall, built in the late third century. Structural remains of four Roman gates are known, the Worth Gate, the Riding Gate, the London Gate and the Queningate. All except the London Gate were re-used in medieval times. There are good grounds for supposing that Roman gates also preceded the medieval North Gate and West Gate, a seventh gate may have preceded the Burgate. Documentary evidence records the wall in 605 and 1011, when the Danes were "thrown from the wall", suggesting that they were then of a defensible height. Since the beginning of the twelfth century a stretch of wall, nineteen feet six inches high was incorporated in the nave of St Mary's Church. Repairs and building took place between 1153 and the late fifteenth century. Twenty- four medieval towers have now been identified. The city wall has disappeared over much of the area between the West Gate and Worth Gate.


Grid reference Centred TR 14851 57781 (899m by 907m) (5 map features)
Map sheet TR15NW
County KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<1> OS 1:2500 1957 (OS Card Reference). SKE48200.

<2> DOE (IAM) List Anc Mons 2 1978 111 (OS Card Reference). SKE40711.

<3> DOE (IAM) Rec Forms 28.6.78 and map (OS Card Reference). SKE40726.

<4> Arch NL 5 1954-55 251 (B de Cardi) (OS Card Reference). SKE36799.

<5> Arch of Cant 2 1982 plans photos (SS Frere S Stow and P Bennett) (OS Card Reference). SKE36834.

<6> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.

<7> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2002, The extra-mural face of the City Wall behind 89a Broad Street, Canterbury (Jervis House). (Unpublished document). SKE54983.

<8> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2003, King's School, Canterbury, Jervis House: Archaeological Evaluation of the City Wall. (Unpublished document). SKE55031.

Sources/Archives (8)

  • <1> OS Card Reference: OS 1:2500 1957.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: DOE (IAM) List Anc Mons 2 1978 111.
  • <3> OS Card Reference: DOE (IAM) Rec Forms 28.6.78 and map.
  • <4> OS Card Reference: Arch NL 5 1954-55 251 (B de Cardi).
  • <5> OS Card Reference: Arch of Cant 2 1982 plans photos (SS Frere S Stow and P Bennett).
  • <6>XY Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments. [Mapped feature: #752 city walls, ]
  • <7> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2002. The extra-mural face of the City Wall behind 89a Broad Street, Canterbury (Jervis House)..
  • <8> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2003. King's School, Canterbury, Jervis House: Archaeological Evaluation of the City Wall..

Finds (1)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (32)

Related Events/Activities (9)

  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological evaluation of the City Wall, King's School, Canterbury, 2003 (Ref: Site code: KSJ03EV) (EKE21718)
  • Intrusive Event: Borehole survey of the City Wall, King's School, Canterbury, 2003 (Ref: Site code: KSJ03EV) (EKE23112)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at Whitefriars CW12, Canterbury, 2001 (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE14120)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation to the south of Riding Gate, Canterbury, 1948 (Ref: EI 15414) (EKE4764)
  • Intrusive Event: No 12 Pound Lane (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE14106)
  • Intrusive Event: St Mary Northgate/King's School (Ref: CAT: 115) (EKE13639)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Survey of the extra-mural face of the City Wall behind 89a Broad Street, Canterbury, 2002 (Ref: Site code: BRJVH 02) (EKE21663)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at St. Radigund's Bridge, Canterbury (Ref: Site Code: SRB 95) (EKE6053)

Related Thematic Articles (2)

Record last edited

May 9 2024 11:31AM