Monument record TQ 77 SE 220 - Chatham Royal Naval Dockyard


The first recorded use of the Medway area by the Royal Navy was in 1547. Shortly after this ships began to harbour in the Medway but it was not until 1567 that the site was first referred to as Chatham. Soon after additional facilities were constructed. The first ship to be built at the yard was launched in 1586. Stores, workshops and officers accomodation were built in 1618 but none of the buildings of this early yard survive. The dockyard expanded further along the river frontage throughout the 17th century and into the 18th century. Many of the 18th buildings still survive at the site. As the strategic importance of the dockyard grew so did the need for defence; an extensive complex of fortifications centred on the base were built during the later 18th century. By the later 18th century the role of Chatham had changed; the site was no longer convenient as a supply base so in 1773 Chatham found a new role in the construction of capital ships, and major refits. Amongst the ships orignating from Chatham was Nelson's flagship vessel Victory. Changes in technology and ship size necessitated further expansions during the early 19th century. The first steam powered ship built at the yard was launched in 1849; the first all-iron ship was launched in 1863. The yards took on their present form in 1885 when the three major basins at the North end of the yard were completed at a cost of £3,000,000. The dockyard was finally closed in 1984, ships based there being redeployed to Portsmouth and Devonport.


Grid reference TQ 76 70 (point)
Map sheet TQ77SE
County KENT
Unitary Authority MEDWAY


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

CgMs Consulting, 2006, Archaeological Desk Based Study and Impact Assessment - Chatham Interface Land, Chatham Dockyard, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE15833.

CgMs Consulting, 2006, Preliminary historic building assessment Chatham Interface Land (Unpublished document). SKE15834.

<1> Jonathan G Coad, 1989, The royal dockyards 1690-1850: architecture and engineering works of the sailing navy. No.1, Detailed survey of the pre-late 19th century structures (Bibliographic reference). SKE6362.

<2> Coad J 1982 Historic Architecture of Chatham Dockyard 1700-1850 Greenwich National Maritime Museum (OS Card Reference). SKE39025.

<3> Preston J M 1977 Industrial Medway an historical survey (OS Card Reference). SKE48656.

<4> Victoria County History Kent 1908 2 338-386 (OS Card Reference). SKE51249.

<5> Anon, c.1690, A draught of the River Medway, 1690 (Chart). SWX9272.

<6> Anon, 1760, River Medway, 1760 (Chart). SWX9277.

<7> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9423.

<8> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9424.

<9> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9510.

<10> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9573.

<11> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9574.

<12> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9745.

<13> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9747.

<14> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9750.

<15> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9751.

<16> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9752.

<17> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9755.

<18> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9846.

<19> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9847.

<20> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9870.

<21> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9883.

<22> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9884.

<23> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9885.

<24> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9887.

<25> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9888.

<26> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9889.

<27> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9890.

<28> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9891.

<29> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9895.

<30> 1945, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9896.

<31> 1944, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX10020.

<32> 1944, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX10021.

<33> 2000, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX10396.

<34> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11122.

<35> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11123.

<36> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11124.

<37> 1975, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11127.

<38> 1975, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11131.

<39> 1977, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11132.

<40> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11136.

<41> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11137.

Sources/Archives (43)

  • --- Unpublished document: CgMs Consulting. 2006. Archaeological Desk Based Study and Impact Assessment - Chatham Interface Land, Chatham Dockyard, Kent.
  • --- Unpublished document: CgMs Consulting. 2006. Preliminary historic building assessment Chatham Interface Land.
  • <1> Bibliographic reference: Jonathan G Coad. 1989. The royal dockyards 1690-1850: architecture and engineering works of the sailing navy. No.1. Detailed survey of the pre-late 19th century structures.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: Coad J 1982 Historic Architecture of Chatham Dockyard 1700-1850 Greenwich National Maritime Museum.
  • <3> OS Card Reference: Preston J M 1977 Industrial Medway an historical survey.
  • <4> OS Card Reference: Victoria County History Kent 1908 2 338-386.
  • <5> Chart: Anon. c.1690. A draught of the River Medway. 1690.
  • <6> Chart: Anon. 1760. River Medway. 1760.
  • <7> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 3177. print.
  • <8> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 3179. print.
  • <9> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 3119. print.
  • <10> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 4123. print.
  • <11> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 4125. print.
  • <12> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 5156. print.
  • <13> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 5160. print.
  • <14> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 5190. print.
  • <15> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 5188. print.
  • <16> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 5186. print.
  • <17> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 5196. print.
  • <18> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 3099. print.
  • <19> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 3102. print.
  • <20> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 4100. print.
  • <21> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 1013. print.
  • <22> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 1016. print.
  • <23> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 1049. print.
  • <24> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 1060. print.
  • <25> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 1066. print.
  • <26> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 1069. print.
  • <27> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 1090. print.
  • <28> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 1056. print.
  • <29> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 2036. print.
  • <30> Photograph (Print): 1945. Photograph. 2033. print.
  • <31> Photograph (Print): 1944. Photograph. 2062. print.
  • <32> Photograph (Print): 1944. Photograph. 2059. print.
  • <33> Photograph (Print): 2000. Photograph. 133. print.
  • <34> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7669/21. print.
  • <35> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7669/22. print.
  • <36> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7669/23. print.
  • <37> Photograph (Print): 1975. Photograph. TQ7669/5. print.
  • <38> Photograph (Print): 1975. Photograph. TQ7670/1. print.
  • <39> Photograph (Print): 1977. Photograph. TQ7670/2. print.
  • <40> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7770/3. print.
  • <41> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7770/4. print.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (51)

Related Events/Activities (8)

  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Evaluation in Chatham Dockyard Interface Land, Chatham, Kent (EKE10181)
  • Event - Survey: 106G/UK/1444 (Ref: 353) (EWX6413)
  • Intrusive Event: A watching brief of RAMADA ENCORE Western Avenue Chatham Historic Dockyard, Chatham (EKE10182)
  • Intrusive Event: An archaeological evaluation at The Command House Public House, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, 2011 (EKE22370)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Desk based assessment of Commissioner's Hayfield, Dock Road, Chatham (EKE10399)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Geophysical survey report: Chatham Historic Dockyard/Job No: J2260. (EKE22151)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: NHPP Naval Battlefields Project (EKE20884)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: The Boilershop, Chatham Maritime, historic building survey (EKE21676)

Record last edited

Mar 19 2024 3:18PM