Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31583 - Post-excavation assessment and updated project design report, Charing Quarry, Hook Lane, Charing, Kent

Title Post-excavation assessment and updated project design report, Charing Quarry, Hook Lane, Charing, Kent
Date/Year 2015


From the report: "Archaeology South-East (ASE) was commissioned by Bretts Aggregates Ltd. to undertake an archaeological excavation at Charing Quarry, Hook Lane, Charing, Kent (Area 4a). The archaeological work was undertaken during February and March 2014. The earliest material encountered was a limited assemblage of possible Mesolithic flintwork recovered from later deposits. The first evidence of traceable alterations to the landscape were two Early Neolithic pits containing assemblages of pottery and flintwork. The next firmly datable episode of activity at the site consisted of the creation of a small Early Bronze Age cremation cemetery. Encountered features consisted of one urned and one unurned cremation with associated pits containing pyre debris. A group of gullies presenting two phases of medieval land division was also recorded. No datable material was recovered from the current site, although the gullies clearly form the continuation of a medieval field system encountered in an adjacent, previously excavated area of the quarry. In additional a medieval jeton was recovered from the topsoil. Post-medieval features included infilled irregular ditches as well as a small number of pits, and square post-holes interpreted as the bases of hop poles."

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Unpublished Document


Kent County Council Heritage 2016/27

Referenced Monuments (9)

  • Bronze Age Urned and Unurned Cremations, Charing Quarry (Monument)
  • Medieval Droveway, Charing Quarry (phase 3) (Monument)
  • Medieval Field System, Charing Quarry (phase 1) (Monument)
  • Medieval Field System, Charing Quarry (phase 2) (Monument)
  • Medieval Jeton, Charing Quarry (Findspot)
  • Neolithic Pits containing flint and pottery assemblages, Charing Quarry (Monument)
  • Possible medieval droveway, Charing Quarry (Monument)
  • Post-Medieval Features, Charing Quarry (Monument)
  • Undated pits, Charing Quarry (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE15015 Post-excavation assessment and updated project design report. Charing Quarry, Hook Lane, Charing, Kent (Ref: ASE report no. 2014369)
  • EKE14695 Watching briefs at Charing Quarry, Hook Lane, Charing, 1997-2013 (Ref: 2013189)

Record last edited

Dec 6 2016 4:32PM