Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE8156 - Diocesan House Evaluation Excavation

Title Diocesan House Evaluation Excavation
Date/Year 1992


Excavation at area of proposed development at Diocesan House, Canterbury uncovered evidence of activity at the site from the Late Iron Age through to the Post-Medieval period. Main evidence comprised of two Roman burials and associated finds, and Medieval rubbish pits.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2002/134

Referenced Monuments (7)

  • Early Medieval Activity Near Diocesan House, 26 Broad Street, Canterbury (Monument)
  • Jutish or Saxon Pottery Sherds Found Near Diocesan House, 26 Broad Street, Canterbury (Findspot)
  • Late Iron Age/early Roman activity Near Diocesan House, 26 Broad Street, Canterbury (Monument)
  • Late Medieval or Post-Medieval Pits Near Diocesan House, 26 Broad Street, Canterbury (Monument)
  • Medieval Pits Near Diocesan House, 26 Broad Street, Canterbury (Monument)
  • Possible Pomerium Boundary Ditch and Later Road Near Diocesan House, 26 Broad Street, Canterbury (Monument)
  • Romano-British burials found near Diocesan House, Canterbury (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE5933 Evaluation Excavation at Diocesan House, Canterbury (Ref: CAT Site Code: DH92)
  • EKE6020 Excavation at Diocesan House, Canterbury (Ref: DH92)

Record last edited

Sep 23 2014 10:21AM