Monument record TR 34 SW 147 - Anglo Saxon town and port of Dover.
Grid reference | TR 3186 4141 (point) Estimated from sources |
Map sheet | TR34SW |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Civil Parish | DOVER, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
<1> Dr. Ann Williams and Prof. G. H. Martin (ed.), 1089, The Domesday Book (Monograph). SWX7210.
<2> Lorraine Sencicle, 2016, The Dover Historian - Origins of the Cinque Ports and Dover (Website). SKE32110.
<3> Haslam, J. (ed.), 1984, Anglo-Saxon towns in southern England (Monograph). SWX7211.
<4> Brian Philp., 2003, The Discovery and Excavation of Anglo Saxon Dover (Monograph). SKE31831.
<5> Leslie Webster and John Cherry, 1973, Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1972 . Vol. 17, Med Arch 17 1973 145 (L E Webster & J Cherry) (Article in serial). SKE32082.
<6> Keith Parfitt, Barry Corke and John Cotter, 2006, Townwall Street, Dover: Excavations 1996 (Monograph). SKE31840.
<7> Oxford Archaeological Unit, 1990, Historic Dover: an archaeological Implications Survey of the town (Unpublished document). SKE31352.
<8> Maritime Archaeology, 2008, Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1 (Unpublished document). SKE31717.
Sources/Archives (8)
- <1> SWX7210 Monograph: Dr. Ann Williams and Prof. G. H. Martin (ed.). 1089. The Domesday Book.
- <2> SKE32110 Website: Lorraine Sencicle. 2016. The Dover Historian - Origins of the Cinque Ports and Dover.
- <3> SWX7211 Monograph: Haslam, J. (ed.). 1984. Anglo-Saxon towns in southern England.
- <4> SKE31831 Monograph: Brian Philp.. 2003. The Discovery and Excavation of Anglo Saxon Dover.
- <5> SKE32082 Article in serial: Leslie Webster and John Cherry. 1973. Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1972 . Vol. 17. Vol. 17 pp 138-88. Med Arch 17 1973 145 (L E Webster & J Cherry).
- <6> SKE31840 Monograph: Keith Parfitt, Barry Corke and John Cotter. 2006. Townwall Street, Dover: Excavations 1996.
- <7> SKE31352 Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeological Unit. 1990. Historic Dover: an archaeological Implications Survey of the town.
- <8> SKE31717 Unpublished document: Maritime Archaeology. 2008. Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (18)
- Parent of: Anglo Saxon Glass Vessel, located above the Roman Military Bath House, Dover (Findspot) (TR 34 SW 1246)
- Parent of: Anglo-Norman Wheel Thrown spouted pitcher, Burial Ground site, Dover. (Findspot) (TR 34 SW 1248)
- Parent of: Anglo-Saxon Sceatta, located near York Street. Dover. (Findspot) (TR 34 SW 173)
- Parent of: Evidence for Anglo Saxon occupation located on Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1442)
- Parent of: Saxon boulder road (S12) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1970 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1549)
- Parent of: Saxon church /Hall(S14) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1974-79 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1551)
- Parent of: Saxon Hall (S10) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1975 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1547)
- Parent of: Saxon Hut (N1) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1973 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1533)
- Parent of: Saxon Hut (N2) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1985 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1536)
- Parent of: Saxon Hut (N3) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1983 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1538)
- Parent of: Saxon Hut (S11) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1970 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1548)
- Parent of: Saxon Hut (S13) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1976-78 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1550)
- Parent of: Saxon Hut (S9) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1975-9 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1546)
- Parent of: Saxon structure (N6) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1983 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1542)
- Parent of: Saxon structure (N7) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1983 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1543)
- Parent of: Saxon structure (N8) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1983 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1544)
- Parent of: Saxon weaving hut (N4) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1975-6 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1539)
- Parent of: Series of Saxon soil deposits (N5) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1975-6 (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1541)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue excavations in Dover town centre, Barwicks Workshop site. (EKE15850)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue excavations in Dover town centre, Saxon features, northern site. (EKE15848)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue excavations in Dover town centre, southern site (Barwicks Yard). (EKE15849)
Related Thematic Articles (1)
Record last edited
Apr 3 2023 12:42PM