Context |
Record |
Monument Type |
MKE39977 Area of archaeological features possibly associated with the railway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE7473 Betteshanger Colliery (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123823 Bomb crater on Chislet Marsh (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE125764 Bomb crater south-east of Acol (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE125244 Bomb crater, RAF Manston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE125700 Bomb crater, RAF Manston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE125061 Bomb craters south of Pouces Cottages (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE16695 Chalkpits at Cheeseman's Farm, Minster and Acol parishes (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE16690 Cheeseman Farm caves chalk pit, Acol (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE13599 Chislet Colliery (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE125420 Gun emplacements, RAF Manston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE125778 Heavy anti-aircraft gun battery, Cleve Court (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE41965 Lydden Spout battery (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE125058 Military features defining the south-west boundary of RAF Manston grass airfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE4421 Mound - 19th century spoil heap from trial pit sunk in search of coal in the 19th century (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE324 Mound - prob. field clearance heap (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MWX19436 Northfleet power station (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MWX19442 Possible 1st-4th century settlement at Bromhey Farm, Cooling (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE125405 Semi-sunken hangar, RAF Manston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE16588 Site of chalk pit, Shallows Road, St. Peters (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE125254 Slit trenches, RAF Manston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE4231 Spoil heaps (not an antiquity) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE8107 Sub-circular mounds, Minster Marshes (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE3488 Undated mound or spoil heap (Monument) |