Thesaurus Term/Concept: SPOIL HEAP

Identifier 69386
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A conical or flat-topped tip of waste discarded from a mine or similar site.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (4)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (1)

Instances/Examples (24)

Context Record
Monument Type MKE39977 Area of archaeological features possibly associated with the railway (Monument)
Monument Type MKE7473 Betteshanger Colliery (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123823 Bomb crater on Chislet Marsh (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125764 Bomb crater south-east of Acol (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125244 Bomb crater, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125700 Bomb crater, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125061 Bomb craters south of Pouces Cottages (Monument)
Monument Type MKE16695 Chalkpits at Cheeseman's Farm, Minster and Acol parishes (Monument)
Monument Type MKE16690 Cheeseman Farm caves chalk pit, Acol (Monument)
Monument Type MKE13599 Chislet Colliery (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125420 Gun emplacements, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125778 Heavy anti-aircraft gun battery, Cleve Court (Monument)
Monument Type MKE41965 Lydden Spout battery (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125058 Military features defining the south-west boundary of RAF Manston grass airfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE4421 Mound - 19th century spoil heap from trial pit sunk in search of coal in the 19th century (Monument)
Monument Type MKE324 Mound - prob. field clearance heap (Monument)
Monument Type MWX19436 Northfleet power station (Monument)
Monument Type MWX19442 Possible 1st-4th century settlement at Bromhey Farm, Cooling (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125405 Semi-sunken hangar, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE16588 Site of chalk pit, Shallows Road, St. Peters (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125254 Slit trenches, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE4231 Spoil heaps (not an antiquity) (Monument)
Monument Type MKE8107 Sub-circular mounds, Minster Marshes (Monument)
Monument Type MKE3488 Undated mound or spoil heap (Monument)