Source/Archive record (Monograph) SKE29723 - Canterbury Cathedral Nave, Archaeology, History and Architecture
Title | Canterbury Cathedral Nave, Archaeology, History and Architecture |
Author/Originator | Blockley, K., Sparks, M. & Tatton-Brown, T. |
Date/Year | 1997 |
Imported from the Canterbury UAD.
External Links (0)
Major Monograph Hard Backed volume concerning Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Archaeological Trust CAT Library
Referenced Monuments (95)
- TR 15 NE 1209 Additions to the Chapter House, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1285 Almonry Court/ Mint Yard, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1236 Bakehouse Additions (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1238 Barn, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1346 Boundary of Archbishops Palace (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1386 Boundary of the Archbishop's Palace, Canterbury (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1221 Boundary Wall separating Priory from Palace, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1219 Brew House, Smaller Kitchen, Complex, Outer Court, Archbishop's Palace (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1263 Building work on Prior's New Chambers, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1246 Chambers north side of Infirmary Hall, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1278 Chambers, Meister Omer Complex, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1277 Chambers, Meister Omer's Complex, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1276 Chapel, Meister Omers complex, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1406 Cheker Building, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NW 1414 CHRIST CHURCH GATEWAY (Listed Building)
- TR 15 NE 1401 Christchurch Priory, Precinct Boundary (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1304 Corona Chapel and Patriarchal Chair, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1305 East End, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1305 East End, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1265 Formerly Lanfranc's Hall Prior's New Lodging, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1237 Forrens Gate and adjacent Stables, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1293 Foundations and upper structure of Bell Harry Tower, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1288 Gate between the Lay and Monk's Cemeteries, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1402 Granary, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1403 Granary/east wall of Forrens Gate, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1241 Great Hall, Archbishop's Palace (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1228 Guest Chamber over Larder, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1135 Infirmary Chapel, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1249 Infirmary Cloister, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1245 Infirmary Hall, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1255 Infirmary Kitchen & Offices, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1198 Lady Chapel or Deans Chapel, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1264 Lanfanc's Hall (later Prior's New Lodging, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1267 Lanfranc's Hall, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1225 Larder & Offices to Larder, with Guest Lodgings above, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1229 Larder Gate, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 681 LAVATORY TOWER (Listed Building)
- TR 25 NE 1269 Long Chamber, Part of Meister Omer's, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1302 N. E. Transept & Chapels of St. Stephen & St. Martin, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1297 N. W. Tower, Canterbury Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1292 New Priory Wall (south side of Precinct), Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1239 North Hall (Aula Nova) & Norman Staircase, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1226 North Wall of Kitchen, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1227 North Wall of Kitchen, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1204 NW Transept remains, Christ Church Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1282 Old Porter's Lodge, Court Gate, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1268 Part of Infirmary Chapel, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1261 Part of Prior's New Lodging's, Christ Church Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1231 Part of Prison North Hall (Aula Nova) (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1253 Part of the Prior's Lodging, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1283 Pentice Walkway to Chamber Ranges, Meister Omers Complex, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1274 Pentice Walkway, Meister Omer's, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1252 Prior Selling's Gate, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 953 PRIOR'S CHAPEL, the Cathedral Precints, Canterbury (Listed Building)
- TR 15 NE 1251 Prior's Entry (also called Dark Entry), Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1254 Prior's Lodgings, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1262 Prior's New Chambers, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1259 Prior's New Lodging's (site of Norman Bath House), Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 25 NE 1258 Prior's New Lodging's, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1279 Priory Precinct wall Prior's Great Garden, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1286 Priory Wall (south), Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NW 1697 Priory Wall, South West Christ Church Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1347 Queningate/City Wall, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1295 S. W. Tower (St. Dunstan's), Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1233 School, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1303 SE Transept with Chapels of St. John and St. Gregory, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1257 Second Dorter, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1296 South Porch, Canterbury Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1281 South Range of Chambers, Meister Omers Complex, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1301 South-West Transept, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1352 St. Andrew's Chapel, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1299 St. Michael's Chapel & Holland Tomb, Canterbury Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1244 Sub-Priors Lodging, Christchurch Priory. (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1247 Table Hall (site Reredorter), Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1232 The Almonry Chapel, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1206 The Anglo-Saxon Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1218 The Bake House, Outer Court Archbishop's Palace (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1235 The Bakehouse, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1205 The Brenchley Chantry Chapel, Christ Church Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1234 The Brewhouse, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1207 The Chantry Chapel of Henry IV, Christ Church Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1211 The Frater or Refectory, Christ Church Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1224 The Kitchen, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1208 The Monk's Choir, Christ Church Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1298 The Nave, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1223 The Piscina, Christchurch Cathedral Precincts (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1256 The Re-redorter, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1266 Tower Chamber, Prior's New Lodgings, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1243 Treasury, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1199 Trinity Chapel, Christchurch Cathedral (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1248 Wall to Chambers, Meister Omers, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1348 Wall, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1349 Wall, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1351 Wall, Christchurch Priory (Monument)
Referenced Events (5)
- EKE13487 Cathedral Nave (Ref: CAT: 118)
- EKE21150 Geophysical survey, Canterbury Cathedral Great Cloister, 1995
- EKE13591 Nave, Canterbury Cathedral (Ref: CAT: 118)
- EKE13478 SW Transept, Canterbury Cathedral (Ref: CAT: 118)
- EKE19818 Trench, Canterbury Cathedral outside south wall of nave, 1993
Record last edited
Apr 9 2024 11:29AM