Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX9337 - Medway Estuary, site locations and summary.
Title | Medway Estuary, site locations and summary. |
Author/Originator | Upchurch Archaeological Research Group |
Date/Year | 1999 |
Map and gazetteer of sites currently being monitored by the Group.
External Links (0)
Attachment with letter to County Archaeologist
Kent County Council Heritage 1992/20
Referenced Monuments (78)
- TQ 87 SE 1008 13th-14th century pottery finds (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 1006 19th century barge and tender (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1003 1st century ditch and kiln debris (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1007 1st century ditches and salt winning remains (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1003 1st century hearths and salt winning debris, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 158 1st Century Kiln Site (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1031 1st century salt winning debris, hearth, posthole features (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1004 1st-2nd century domestic pit (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1001 2nd century ditch (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1005 A group of late Bronze Age struck flints, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 190 Bronze Age occupation site, south of Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1013 C1-2 cremations and salt winning debris (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1000 C1-2 ditch features and kiln (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1010 C1st pottery and debris found (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1005 C1st salt winning area with brine pits (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1006 C1st salt winning area with brine pits (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1009 C2 pottery and burnt clay found (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1007 C2nd cremation burial and pot/flint (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1004 C2nd pottery and kiln debris (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1058 Cremation group (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 26 Cremations/ Romano-British pottery/ Romano-British; Burntwick Island (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1011 Ditch feature with burnt debris, late C1st (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1008 Double row of timber posts, near Nor Marsh, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1013 Early 1st century cremation (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1014 Early 2nd century pottery (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 9 Early Iron Age briquetage site (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1010 Flint flakes found (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 1006 Flint scatter and pottery fragments, found near Nor Marsh, Gillingham (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 19 Interments/ Ro; pottery/ Ro; pendant/ Ro (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1060 Iron Age pottery sherd (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 1004 Late 1st century salting/pottery debris, near Nor Marsh, Gillingham (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 169 Medieval ditch/creek site, Nor Marsh, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 87 SW 1003 Medieval firing areas and a timber landing stage, Bishop Saltings, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1015 Mid-late 1st century salt winning debris and pottery (Monument)
- TQ 76 NE 294 Neolithic/early Bronze Age finds from prehistoric peat, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 1091 Possible Bronze Age trackway, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 77 SE 1006 Possible late Bronze Age timber and bone scatters, Hoo Flats, Hoo St Werburgh (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 1090 Possible late Bronze Age trackway, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 76 NE 1040 Possible prehistoric timber trackway, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1093 Possible prehistoric trackway, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1092 Possible prehistoric trackway, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 76 NE 296 Possible trackway, Gillingham Marshes (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1096 Pottery find including urn (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SW 1005 Pottery scatter and animal bone, found on Bishop Saltings, Gillingham (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 171 Prehistoric possible trackway, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 77 SE 122 Prehistoric site on Hoo Marsh, near Abbot's Court Wharf, Hoo St. Werburgh (Monument)
- TQ 76 NE 1041 Prehistoric timber trackway, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 76 NE 292 Prehistoric timber trackway, near Grange, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 76 NE 293 Prehistoric trackway, Cinque Port Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 168 Prehistoric trackway, Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 9 Probable site of Romano-British pottery kiln (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1010 Remains of C2nd rubbish pit (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1009 Remains of ditch and pottery kiln (Monument)
- TQ 87 SW 79 Roman intertidal salt/pottery site, south east of Darnet Fort (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1059 Roman kiln debris and pottery (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 31 Roman pottery (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 1002 Roman pottery kilns, Slayhills Saltings (Monument)
- TQ 76 NE 295 Roman pottery, salt or pottery manufacture site?, Gillingham Marshes (Monument)
- TQ 87 SW 85 Roman salt manufacturing site, Bishop Saltings, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 87 SW 1082 Roman salt manufacturing site, Bishops Saltings, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 172 Roman salt works/pottery manufacture site, Nor Marsh, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 173 Roman salt/pottery manufacture site, Nor Marsh, Gillingham (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 45 Roman wooden building, probably a salt winning site (Monument)
- TQ 87 SW 1002 Romano-British burnt soil horizons and pottery, edge of salting, Bishop Saltings, Gillingham (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 14 Romano-British findspot, near Copperhouse Marshes, Gillingham (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1008 Romano-British pottery found (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1001 Romano-British pottery kilns and salt winning debris (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 29 Romano-British rubbish pit (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1157 Romano-British rubbish pit (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1012 Salt winning debris and pottery (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1002 Salt winning debris and pottery, C1st (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 1011 Salt winning site (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1003 Saltwinning debris and C1st pit remains (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1007 Scatters of late Bronze Age flint flakes, found near Nor Marsh, Gillingham (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 1012 Timber post feature, undated, Sharpness Saltings (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1011 Timber posts, pre C19 (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1005 Timber sluice gate, 19th century (Monument)
- TQ 87 SW 1004 Undated timber fragments, Bishops Saltings (Findspot)
Referenced Events (1)
- EWX6642 Survey of intertidal sites in the Medway Estuary
Record last edited
Apr 29 2009 5:18AM