Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE17943 - Archaeological Investigations at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet, Kent: Archaeological Assessment Report and Updated Project design
Title | Archaeological Investigations at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet, Kent: Archaeological Assessment Report and Updated Project design |
Author/Originator | Wessex Archaeology |
Date/Year | 2008 |
Post excavation assessment report of work at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet.
External Links (0)
Unpublished document
Kent County Council Heritage 2009/497
Referenced Monuments (35)
- TQ 67 SW 1668 Group of early Bronze Age (Beaker) pits, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1669 Group of early Bronze Age (Beaker) pits, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1366 An Anglo-Saxon sceat, Springhead (Findspot)
- TQ 67 SW 1361 Anglo-Saxon pit, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1362 Anglo-Saxon pit, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 323 Approximate location of springs and ritual pool in early Roman period, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1355 Area of early Bronze Age activity, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1674 Bronze Age droveway, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1356 Bronze Age field system, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1675 Bronze Age occupation evidence in the form of pits, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1676 Bronze Age post holes representing possible fenceline, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1672 Early Bronze Age clay lined pits, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1673 Early Bronze age cremation burial, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1354 Early Neolithic flints and pottery, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1388 Early Roman road leading to ritual pool, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1670 Group of early Bronze Age post holes representing possible tripod stucture, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1364 Late Iron Age coins, Springhead (Findspot)
- TQ 67 SW 1385 Late iron Age enclosure, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1682 Medieval pit, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1363 Medieval/post medieval Funnelled droveway, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1454 Middle Saxon inhumation cemetery, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 323 Middle to Late Iron Age enclosure, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1353 Palaeolithic flints, Springhead (Findspot)
- TQ 67 SW 1360 Part of a large early medieval cemetery, Springhead, Gravesend (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1681 Pits and post holes within Late Iron Age enclosure, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1679 Pits within Late Iron Age enclosure, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1677 Possible cremation burials and cremation related deposits, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1684 Possible late Medieval or early post medieval field system, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1683 Possible late Medieval or early post medieval trackway, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1678 Rectangular structure within Late Iron Age enclosure, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1365 Roman coins, Springhead (Findspot)
- TQ 67 SW 1359 Roman inhumation burials, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1680 Roundhouse within Late Iron Age enclosure, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1358 Small Roman enclosure, Springhead (Monument)
- TQ 67 SW 1671 Tree throws containing early Bronze Age occupational material, Springhead (Monument)
Referenced Events (11)
- EKE18732 Evaluation at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE12371 Evaluation at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet: trench 1121 (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE18727 Evaluation at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet: trench 1122 (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE18728 Evaluation at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet: trench 1123 (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE18729 Evaluation at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet: trench 1124 (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE18730 Evaluation at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet: trench 1125 (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE18731 Evaluation at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet: trench 1126 (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE12369 Excavation of two areas at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE18677 Excavation of two areas at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE12370 Strip, map and sample of two areas at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet (Ref: 58847.02)
- EKE18678 Strip, map and sample of two areas at Springhead Quarter (Phase II), Northfleet (Ref: 58847.02)
Record last edited
Nov 5 2020 5:15PM