Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE32169 - Post excavation assessment and updated project design, Land at Cheeseman's Green, Ashford, Kent
Title | Post excavation assessment and updated project design, Land at Cheeseman's Green, Ashford, Kent |
Author/Originator | CgMs Consulting |
Date/Year | 2014 |
An archaeological investigation, comprising two phases of trench evaluation, followed by strip-map-and-sample excavation and watching brief, in advance of a mixed-use development.
External Links (0)
Unpublished document
Kent County Council Heritage: 2017/56
Referenced Monuments (24)
- TR 03 NW 146 Area of late Iron Age / early Romano-British settlement Cheeseman's Green Area 5 (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 147 Area of late Iron Age / early Romano-British settlement Cheeseman's Green Area 6 (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 148 Area of probable Bronze Age/Iron Age enclosures and settlement, Cheeseman's Green Area 7 (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 139 Area of probable later prehistoric land-use and settlement, Cheeseman's Green Area 4 (south and north) (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 143 Area of probable mesolithic occupation, Cheeseman's Green Area 4 (n) (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 144 Area of probable Mesolithic occupation, Cheeseman's Green Area 4 (n) (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 128 Barbed-and-tanged arrowhead, Cheeseman's Green, Ashford (Findspot)
- TR 03 NW 142 Bronze Age pit and loomweights, Cheeseman's Green Area 4 (n) (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 136 Early / Middle Iron Age occupation, Cheeseman's Green Area 3 (west) (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 127 Early-medieval inverted oak trunk, Cheeseman's Green, Ashford (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 121 Iron Age/Romano-British settlement and fields, Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
- TR 04 SW 566 Late Bronze Age spearhead, Cheeseman's Green (Findspot)
- TR 03 NW 137 Late Iron Age / early Romano-British land division, Cheeseman's Green Area 3 (west) (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 145 late Iron Age / Roman gully and finds, Cheeseman's Green Area 4 (n) (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 135 Late Iron Age / Romano-British round house and features, Cheeseman's Green Area 2 (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 134 Later prehistoric trackways and field systems, Cheeseman's Green Area 2 and 3 (west) (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 122 Medieval enclosures, Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 119 Mesolithic flint assemblage, Cheeseman's Green (Landscape)
- TR 03 NW 138 Middle Bronze Age to early medieval occupation, Cheeseman's Green Area 3 (east) (Monument)
- TR 04 SW 567 Middle/Late Iron Age pottery, Cheeseman's Green (Findspot)
- TR 04 SW 568 Middle/Late Iron Age settlement and landscape use, Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 150 Palaeochannel, possibly integrated into Iron Age drainage system, Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 151 Probable late Iron Age / early Romano-British occupation, Cheeseman's Green (Monument)
- TR 03 NW 149 Undated but probable late prehistoric field system, Cheeseman's Green Area 8 (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE16022 Strip, map and sample excavations, Land at Cheeseman's Green, Ashford, Kent, 2014 (Ref: DH/KB/10063)
Record last edited
Nov 30 2022 2:25PM