Source/Archive record (Bibliographic reference) SWX11840 - North Kent Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Phase II: Field Assessment (Pilot)
Title | North Kent Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Phase II: Field Assessment (Pilot) |
Author/Originator | Wessex Archaeology |
Date/Year | 2002 |
Report of Fieldwork undertaken in Autumn/Winter 2002
External Links (0)
Client Report
Kent County Council Heritage 2004/168
Referenced Monuments (313)
- TQ 86 NE 1130 4 Protruding nailed planks (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1041 5 roundwood stakes (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1055 Abandoned metal object, Colemouth Creek, Isle of Grain (Findspot)
- TQ 87 NW 1033 Alignment of five timber roundwood stakes (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1167 Anchorage in Stangate Creek (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 91 Anti-tank obstacles, Grain (Listed Building)
- TQ 97 SW 27 Baden powell (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1050 Beacon (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1012 Beacon (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1043 Boat Hard near to Queensborough (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1048 Boat House on Chetney Marshes (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1111 Body sherd of prehistoric pot (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1022 Boom/pipeline (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1036 Borrow pits to seaward of the sea wall, North Level, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1130 Boundary (possibly for TQ 87 SE 35) (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1171 Buried wooden vessel (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 123 Carlotta (Maritime)
- TQ 97 SW 1059 Causeway (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1159 CHURCH OF ST MARGARET OF ANTIOCH (Listed Building)
- TQ 77 NE 1024 Circular & undated shaped 'cropmarks, St. Mary Bay, St. Mary Hoo (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1112 Circular embanked enclosure (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1026 Circular embankment (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1086 Circular embankment on 1st Ed. OS (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1117 Circular feature in saltmarsh, marked on 1st Ed OS (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 38 Circular feature/Earthwork (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1143 Codds Creek Wharf, The Swale (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1166 Codds House (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1138 Collapsed wharf (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1109 Curvelinear ditch (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1136 Decorated sherd of Romano-British pottery (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 1067 Derelict barge (Maritime)
- TQ 97 SW 1074 Derelict barge (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1072 Derelict barge (Maritime)
- TQ 97 SW 1075 Derelict barge (Maritime)
- TQ 97 SW 1073 Derelict barge (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1185 Disarticulated human bone (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1115 Ditch (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1119 Ditch (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1116 Ditch terminal (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1065 Double alignmet of wooden stakes (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1104 Dump (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1085 Dump of 19th century material (Findspot)
- TQ 96 NW 44 East hall, English Spritsail Barge (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 119 Ella (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 82 Elmley Island works; Elmley, Sheppey (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 114 Embankment of disused military railway, Yantlet Creek, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1104 Enclosure (Monument)
- TQ 77 NE 36 Engine house for defence electric lights, High Halstow (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 127 Eva (Maritime)
- TQ 77 NE 37 Explosive stores, St. Mary's Marshes, St. Mary Hoo (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1176 Fibrous peat (Landscape)
- TQ 86 NE 1106 Flint arrowhead (Findspot)
- TQ 96 NW 1107 Former groyne (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1025 Former sea defence (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1172 Former wharf (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1109 Four possible frames joined to a single plank (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NW 1122 Four wooden posts (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1139 George III coin (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 128 Gladys (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 118 Gladys (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 87 Glenbury (Maritime)
- TQ 87 NE 1055 Grain Bridge, Grain Road, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1121 Group of five posts (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1046 Group of four concrete pontoons(?) (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1032 Group of four unidentified hulked barges (Maritime)
- TQ 97 SW 1118 Groyne, The Swale, Horse Reach (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1026 Groynes, Allhallows-on-Sea (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1080 Hard crossing (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1114 Hard crossing (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1113 Hard crossing Sheppards Creek (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1052 Hard in Horse Reach, Swale (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1051 Hard in Long Reach, Swale (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1048 Hard site (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1162 Hard, Chitney Canal (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1038 Hard, North Levels, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1147 Hard, or slipway, near Elphinstone Point, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1065 Hard, Shoregate Creek, Upchurch (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1050 Hardway, path (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 131 Hereford (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1034 Hulked vessel on foreshore (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1124 Hurdle fence (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1117 Isolated fragment of medieval pottery (Findspot)
- TQ 96 NW 1116 Isolated fragment of perhistoric pottery (Findspot)
- TQ 96 NW 1113 Isolated roundwood mooring post (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1068 Isolated rudder (Findspot)
- TQ 96 NW 1103 Isolated small roundwood vertical post (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1187 Isolated small treestump (Landscape)
- TQ 96 NW 1114 Jetty (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1011 Kings Ferry (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 63 Kingsferry bridge (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1169 Ladys Hole Point (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1094 Landing Stage, Elmley Cement Works (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1030 Landing Stage, St Mary Marshes, All Hallows (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 129 Lapwing (Maritime)
- TQ 87 NW 1042 Large coarseware rim sherd (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1127 Line of rounded wooden posts (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1009 Location of the Elmley Ferry, Swale (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 120 Maria (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 121 Meridian (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 8 Mesolithic flint working site (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 11 Mesolithic flint working site, Lower Halstow (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 117 Military observation tower, near Cockleshell Beach, Lees Marshes, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1104 Modern revetment at Joan Fleet (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1105 Modern wooden jetty (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1037 Mooring Post (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1069 Mound (Monument)
- TQ 77 NE 1008 Observation Post/ammunition locker, north foreshore, High Halstow (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1101 Old Counter Wall (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 163 Old Counter Wall (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1111 Organic Clay (Landscape)
- TQ 87 NW 1027 Outfall, Allhallows-on-Sea (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1025 Outfall, Dagnam Saltings, near Allhallows-on-Sea (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1132 Oyster midden (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1132 Part of wooden boat (Maritime)
- TQ 87 NE 1067 Partially buried small carvel vessel (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NW 1113 Peat filled ditch (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1036 Pillbox (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1015 Pillbox, Dagnam Saltings, Allhallows (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1070 Possible derelict barge (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1071 Possible derelict barge (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NW 1118 Possible fence (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1191 Possible former shooting hide (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1123 Possible hard (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1121 Possible hearth (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1178 Possible jetty (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1190 Possible jetty (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1103 Possible Pond (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1106 Possible remains of small jetty (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1118 possible revetment (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1112 Possible revetment (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 13 Possible Romano-British occupation layer, Allhallows-on-Sea (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1179 Possible sea defence (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1170 Possible small section of revetment (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1038 Possible trackway (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1120 Post alignment (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 56 Post Medieval jetty near Joan Fleet (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1188 pottery findspot (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1120 Prehistoric pot sherd (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1126 Prehistoric pottery and flint flake (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 1192 Probable former jetty or hard (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1194 Probable sea wall (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1023 Probable unidentified vessel on foreshore (Maritime)
- TQ 77 NE 1055 Probable World War II observation post (Building)
- TQ 97 SW 1069 Queenborough Pier (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1078 Queenborough Quay (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1093 Rectangular embanked enclosure, Elmley (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1061 Rectangular feature cut into saltmarsh (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1120 Rectangular feature, Queenborough (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1011 Rectangular feature, St. Mary's Marshes, St. Mary Hoo (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1018 Remains of a possible defensive feature, Lees Marshes, Isle of Grain (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 1119 Remains of an embankment (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1128 Remains of carvel built wooden boat (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 1099 Remains of former bridge across Swale (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1116 Remains of two small jetties (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1040 Remains of two unidentified vessels (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1035 Remains of two unidentified vessels, Lower Halstow (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1079 Remains of unidentified barge, on 2000 airphoto (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1080 Remains of unidentified barge, on 2000 airphoto (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1081 Remains of unknown hulk, visible 1973, not visible 1991 (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1082 Remains of unknown hulk, visible 1973, not visible 1991 (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1107 Remains of wooden fish weir? (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1108 Remains of wooden fish weir? (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 34 Remains of wooden piles, Dagnam Saltings, Allhallows (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1173 Remains of wooden vessel (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NW 1111 Remains of Wooden Vessel, recorded at Upchurch (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 1102 Revetment (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 37 Ridge & Furrow/Earthworks (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 47 Roman pottery; possible kiln site? (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 45 Roman wooden building, probably a salt winning site (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 4 Romano-British Hut; with pottery and animal bone finds (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1123 Romano-British pottery sherds (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 1174 Romano-British saltern (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1175 Romano-British saltworking site (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1115 Row of roundwood stakes (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1114 Row of six wooden stakes (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1113 Row of six wooden stakes (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1112 Row of stakes (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1023 Row of wooden piles (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1011 Salt winning site (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1108 Salt working hearth (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1110 Salt working site (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1108 Salt working site (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 65 Saltbox or wick (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1177 Saltern (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1039 Saltern, Dagnam Marshes, All Hallows (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1193 Scattered timbers (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1031 Sea defence (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1100 Sea defence (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1101 Second World War Anti Aircraft Battery (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1195 Series of co-aligned bank and ditches (Monument)
- TQ 77 NE 1019 Sheepfold, St. Mary's Marshes, St. Mary Hoo (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1133 Sherd of Iron Age/Romano-British pottery (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1137 Sherd of Romano-British pottery (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1131 Sherd of samian pottery (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 1084 Ship breakers yard (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 35 Site of a 16th century fort at Swale Ness (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1040 Site of a Groyne, Yantlett Creek, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1151 Site of a hard, Colemouth Creek, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1051 Site of a hardway/path, near Upchurch (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1031 Site of a Landing place at Dagnam Saltings, Allhallows (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1014 Site of a World War II Pillbox, Allhallows-on-Sea (Monument)
- TQ 77 NE 1010 Site of defensive Boom? Near St. Mary's Bay, High Halstow (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1078 Site of Elphinstone Point Coastguard Station, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 47 Site of Halls Tar Works Queenborough (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1024 Site of post medieval Groynes, near Allhallows-on-Sea (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1032 Site of probable World War II Radio masts, Grain Marsh, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1066 Slipway, Grain Island Firing Point (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1064 Small alignment stakes (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1101 Small jetty (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1118 Small post hole (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1085 Square walled enclosure marked on 1st Ed. OS (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1130 Stern of wooden boat (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 1105 Structure (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1189 Structure (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1101 Structure (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1125 Structure (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1117 Sub-circular post hole (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1014 The London Stone, North Saltings, Isle of Grain (Listed Building)
- TQ 86 NW 1117 Three flint flakes (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1135 Timber alignment (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1134 Timber alignment (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1115 Trackway (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1114 Trackway (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1031 Twinneys Wharf (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1122 Two abandoned barges (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 1026 Two circular features of higher ground (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1032 Two fragments of Roman roof tile identified on foreshore (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NE 1122 Two parrallel lines of timber posts (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1089 Unidentified barge (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1154 Unidentified barge (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1025 Unidentified concrete lighter hulk (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1028 Unidentified derelict vessel (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1102 Unidentified feature cut into saltings (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1058 Unidentified object (Findspot)
- TQ 87 SE 1184 unidentified structure (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1035 Unidentified structure comprised of brick, concrete and stone (Monument)
- TQ 87 NW 1034 Unidentified structure comprised of brick, concrete and stone (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1183 Unidentified wooden structure (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1181 Unidentified wooden vessel (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1186 Unidentified wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 39 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 61 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 68 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 68 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 76 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 64 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 65 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 55 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 77 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 62 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 69 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 78 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 64 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 71 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 105 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 37 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 75 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 83 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 60 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 1180 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 86 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NW 138 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 66 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 59 Unknown (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1084 UNKNOWN (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NW 1110 UNKNOWN (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1086 Unknown (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 113 Unknown Barge (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 117 Unknown barge wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 116 Unknown remains of a barge (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1128 Unknown Wooden Vessel (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 110 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 88 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 110 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 99 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 113 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 112 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 89 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 111 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 97 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 101 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 108 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 100 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 111 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 102 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 97 SW 43 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NW 137 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 109 Unknown wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 73 Unknown Wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NW 93 Unknown Wreck (Maritime)
- TQ 87 SE 115 Unknown wreck (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 112 Unknown wrecks (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1030 Vessel on foreshore (Maritime)
- TQ 96 NW 42 Webster (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1102 Wharf (Monument)
- TQ 86 NW 1064 Wharf (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1146 Wharf at Elphinstone Point, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 113 Wharf at Yantlet firing range, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 96 NW 1095 Wharf with travelling crane, Elmley Cement Works (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1121 Wharf, associated with Tar Works, Queenborough (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1069 Wharf, Halstow Creek (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1067 Wharf, Halstow Creek (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1119 Wharf, Queenborough (Monument)
- TQ 87 NE 1030 Wharf/landing stage, Yantlet Creek, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 1182 Wooden barge (Maritime)
- TQ 97 SW 1133 Wooden jetty (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1140 Wooden stake structure, Halstow Creek (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1104 Wooden vessel (Maritime)
- TQ 97 SW 1131 Wooden wreck in very poor condition (Maritime)
- TQ 86 NE 1108 Worked flint (Findspot)
- TQ 87 NE 116 World War II pillbox, North Level, Isle of Grain (Monument)
- TQ 97 SW 1129 Wreck of Flat Bottomed Barge (Maritime)
Referenced Events (1)
- EWX8094 North Kent Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Phase II: Field Assessment (Pilot) (Ref: 46565.02)
Record last edited
Apr 18 2024 12:35PM