Identifier 133660
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A site and associated buildings used by the military for various purposes. Use only where exact function is unknown otherwise use more specific term.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (7)

Instances/Examples (47)

Context Record
Monument Type MKE39535 Army Battle Headquarters, Sarre (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125430 Barbed wire entanglement, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125433 Barbed wire entanglement, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125444 Barbed wire entanglement, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125130 Barbed wire entanglement, Thorne (Monument)
Monument Type MKE42294 Bridge (Building)
Monument Type MKE125424 Building, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125425 Buildings, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE41954 Cambridge Road Hard (Monument)
Monument Type MKE42029 Cold Blow railway spur (Monument)
Monument Type MKE39752 DEFENCE SITE (Monument)
Monument Type MKE42032 Eythorne Railway Guns (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122918 Four buildings and the foundations of eight further buildings or huts seen in the corner of a field on RAF photographs taken in 1945 (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125420 Gun emplacements, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125183 Huts and a bunded structure, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE42028 Kingsdown Second World War 'Oboe' station. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125058 Military features defining the south-west boundary of RAF Manston grass airfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124396 Military installation at St Nicholas Court, St Nicholas at Wade (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123807 Military installation near Sarre Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123725 Military installation north of Boxlees Hill Sewage Works (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123776 Military installation on Brook Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125055 Military installation on Telegraph Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123704 Military installation south-west of Plucks Gutter (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124730 Military Installation, Fort Green (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124765 Military Installation, Friends Gap (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125318 Military Installation, Green Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125180 Military installation, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125189 Military installation, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125421 Military installation, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125664 Military installation, RAF Manston (Monument)
Monument Type MKE125772 Military installation, Telegraph Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MWX51508 PLUTO Conun drum (Monument)
Monument Type MKE100320 Probable military feature, Bunters Hill Road (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123038 Remains of a possible Second World War installation can be seen on aerial photographs taken in 1947 (Monument)
Monument Type MKE42033 Ripple Road Emergency Water Tank (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124668 Second World War buildings and structures forming two separate nuclei to the north and north-west of Slough Fort, Allhallows-on-Sea (Monument)
Monument Type MKE93198 Second World War defended gun position, St Nicholas at Wade (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123057 Second World War military installation, associated with Kingshill Camp (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122854 Second World War military installation, Grain (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122894 Second World War military installation, north of Admiralty oil fuel station (Monument)
Monument Type MKE42030 Shepherdswell Railway Gun Position (Monument)
Monument Type MKE41992 Shipyard No 1, Richborough Port (Monument)
Monument Type MKE42035 Sholden Fougasse (Monument)
Monument Type MKE100355 Site of probable Second World War gun emplacement (Monument)
Monument Type MKE100354 Site of Second World War searchlight battery (Monument)
Monument Type MKE124692 Three dispersed buildings and the traces of three further possible buildings thought to be Second World War in origin (Monument)
Monument Type MKE42036 Walmer, St Richards Road Fougasse (Monument)