Context |
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MKE116170 19th century maltings at 35 Old Dover Road (Monument) |
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MKE78482 Demolision layer of a Post Medieval building, Eyhorne Street (Monument) |
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MKE104114 Demolition deposit of the Officers Quarters Range B of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE99559 Demolition layers overlying the remains of the Roman 'Painted House', Dover. (Monument) |
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MKE78304 Demolition remains from a medieval building, Ospringe (Monument) |
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MKE122843 Early medieval - medieval defensive mound, rampart, building, post-pits, floor surfaces, and deposits at St Mary Bredin School, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE116272 Early medieval - post-medieval features on land at the rear of 62 Burgate (Monument) |
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MKE104588 Early Medieval and Medieval remains, New Grange House, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE111172 Geophysical anomolies possibly representing former walls within the Keep Yard at Dover Castle (Monument) |
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MKE118586 Late medieval/post-medieval features at the Tudor Garden, St Augustine's Abbey (Monument) |
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MKE123207 Late Roman/early Anglo-Saxon occupation material and features, South Precincts, Canterbury Cathedral (Monument) |
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MKE98942 Medieval /early post medieval well, occupation debris and walls, Woolcomber/Townwall Street, Dover. (Monument) |
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MKE122817 Medieval and early post-medieval walls, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts (Monument) |
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MKE43428 Medieval and post medieval occupational evidence from 75 and 78 West Street, Faversham (Monument) |
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MKE118604 Medieval and post-medieval buildings at 20 King Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE122664 Medieval and post-medieval buildings at Havelock Street and Old Ruttington Lane, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE117437 Medieval building demolition layer(s) at 3 North Lane (Monument) |
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MKE93322 Medieval Guildhall walls 11 High Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE98726 Medieval walling, stratification and demolition layer located beneath Connaught Hall, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE118590 Medieval-post-medieval features at 30 King Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE123187 Medieval/early post-medieval floor surface at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE115558 Possible demolition deposits relating to Brenchley Chantry (Monument) |
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MKE98633 Possible Medieval demolition layer beneath the site of the former Grenada/ABC cinema, Dover (Monument) |
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MWX20809 Possible Roman wall structure at Station Quarter South, Ebbsfleet, Kent (Monument) |
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MKE98916 Post Medieval building remains, harbour infill and 19th century brick culverts. Elizabeth Street, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE97619 Post Medieval Deposits including possible surfaces (Monument) |
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MKE104031 Post Medieval dump or demolition layer, The Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE99796 Post Medieval remains, including the possible remains of Charlton Lodge at, 70 Maison Dieu Road, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE117493 Post-medieval features at Mitchinson's House, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE77351 Remains of the curtain wall, at Knole House (Monument) |
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MKE123204 Roman building remains, South Precincts, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE97794 Roman floors and demolition deposits beneath No. 5 Cowgate Hill, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE122760 Roman mortar and clay surfaces, demolition layers, and a metalled surface, 46-47 High Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE117429 Roman/Anglo-Saxon occupation features at the Great Cloister (Monument) |
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MKE78303 Site and remains of Napoleonic-era Barracks, Ospringe (Monument) |