Thesaurus Term/Concept: DEMOLITION LAYER

Identifier 145102
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A layer underneath the topsoil containing rubble or fragments of building material, e.g. mortar, tile, flint.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (35)

Context Record
Monument Type MKE116170 19th century maltings at 35 Old Dover Road (Monument)
Monument Type MKE78482 Demolision layer of a Post Medieval building, Eyhorne Street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE104114 Demolition deposit of the Officers Quarters Range B of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99559 Demolition layers overlying the remains of the Roman 'Painted House', Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE78304 Demolition remains from a medieval building, Ospringe (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122843 Early medieval - medieval defensive mound, rampart, building, post-pits, floor surfaces, and deposits at St Mary Bredin School, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116272 Early medieval - post-medieval features on land at the rear of 62 Burgate (Monument)
Monument Type MKE104588 Early Medieval and Medieval remains, New Grange House, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE111172 Geophysical anomolies possibly representing former walls within the Keep Yard at Dover Castle (Monument)
Monument Type MKE118586 Late medieval/post-medieval features at the Tudor Garden, St Augustine's Abbey (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123207 Late Roman/early Anglo-Saxon occupation material and features, South Precincts, Canterbury Cathedral (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98942 Medieval /early post medieval well, occupation debris and walls, Woolcomber/Townwall Street, Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122817 Medieval and early post-medieval walls, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts (Monument)
Monument Type MKE43428 Medieval and post medieval occupational evidence from 75 and 78 West Street, Faversham (Monument)
Monument Type MKE118604 Medieval and post-medieval buildings at 20 King Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122664 Medieval and post-medieval buildings at Havelock Street and Old Ruttington Lane, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117437 Medieval building demolition layer(s) at 3 North Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MKE93322 Medieval Guildhall walls 11 High Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98726 Medieval walling, stratification and demolition layer located beneath Connaught Hall, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE118590 Medieval-post-medieval features at 30 King Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123187 Medieval/early post-medieval floor surface at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115558 Possible demolition deposits relating to Brenchley Chantry (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98633 Possible Medieval demolition layer beneath the site of the former Grenada/ABC cinema, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MWX20809 Possible Roman wall structure at Station Quarter South, Ebbsfleet, Kent (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98916 Post Medieval building remains, harbour infill and 19th century brick culverts. Elizabeth Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE97619 Post Medieval Deposits including possible surfaces (Monument)
Monument Type MKE104031 Post Medieval dump or demolition layer, The Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99796 Post Medieval remains, including the possible remains of Charlton Lodge at, 70 Maison Dieu Road, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117493 Post-medieval features at Mitchinson's House, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE77351 Remains of the curtain wall, at Knole House (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123204 Roman building remains, South Precincts, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE97794 Roman floors and demolition deposits beneath No. 5 Cowgate Hill, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122760 Roman mortar and clay surfaces, demolition layers, and a metalled surface, 46-47 High Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117429 Roman/Anglo-Saxon occupation features at the Great Cloister (Monument)
Monument Type MKE78303 Site and remains of Napoleonic-era Barracks, Ospringe (Monument)