Context |
Record |
Monument Type |
MKE117446 ?Anglo-Saxon metalled surfaces, ?buildings, and deposits at Shirley Hall, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE122617 ?Roman metalled surface and late Roman/post-Roman agricultural layer, 40 Orchard Street (Monument) |
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MKE127796 Boyn Hill / Orsett Heath middle pleistocene gravels, Stone Lodge, Dartford (Important geological sequence) |
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MKE125885 Boyn Hill gravels with palaeolithic potential, Knockhall Road (Important geological sequence) |
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MKE115915 Bronze Age site, Monkton (Monument) |
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MKE99555 Complex Medieval stratification, Townwall Street, Dover. (Monument) |
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MKE99086 Earlier post medieval deposits located near the Viaduct, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE122843 Early medieval - medieval defensive mound, rampart, building, post-pits, floor surfaces, and deposits at St Mary Bredin School, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE80356 Early medieval and medieval activity, Barton Court Grammar School (Monument) |
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MKE98938 Gravels sealing Medieval deposits. Russell Street car park, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE92879 Hillwash deposit with Saxon pot sherd at the Sensory Garden Site, Transport Quarter, Gravesend, Kent (Monument) |
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MKE78515 Iron Age site and field system, Stubb's Cross (Monument) |
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MKE20994 Late Iron Age/early Roman salt working, Lydd Quarry (Monument) |
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MKE99087 Later 19th century made ground representing the infilling of Paradise Pent, Dover Western Docks (Monument) |
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MKE89492 Medieval courtyards, Church Road, New Romney (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE9015 Medieval deposits and possible floors, Dolphin lane, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE99069 Medieval Deposits just to the south of Castle Street, Dover. (Monument) |
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MKE89498 Medieval floors, Church Road, New Romney (Monument) |
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MKE89518 Medieval industrial activity, Spitalfield Lane, New Romney (Monument) |
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MKE120366 Medieval kiln, walls, ditches, a floor, and pits at Canterbury Christ Church University (Monument) |
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MKE98934 Medieval masonry Woolcomber Street & Townwall Street, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE80631 Medieval midden, Kingsmead Primary School, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE110736 Medieval pits and post-medieval layers, St Augustine's Abbey site, Canterbury Christ Church University (Monument) |
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MKE89496 Medieval road, Church Road, New Romney (Monument) |
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MKE118632 Medieval surface at 45 St Peter's Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE97472 Medieval-Modern features, The Deanery Garden Wall, Rochester (Monument) |
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MKE122803 Pleistocene and Holocene deposits and palaeochannels, Kingsmead Sports Stadium, Canterbury (Important geological sequence) |
Monument Type |
MKE125594 Pleistocene and Holocene deposits and palaeochannels, The Nurseries, Willesborough (Important geological sequence) |
Monument Type |
MKE117324 Possible medieval features at 52 King Street, Canterbury. (Monument) |
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MKE78686 Possible Roman iron working site and field system, Wittersham Manor (Monument) |
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MKE98910 Post medieval cellared building and make up. Archcliffe Fort, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE98946 Post medieval demolition deposit, buildings and occupation deposits; Last Lane, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE78244 Post Medieval dumping, eastern approach of the Medway Tunnel. (Monument) |
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MKE98959 Post Medieval make-up layers & surfaces. Sea Sport Centre, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE99803 Post Medieval pit and tip layer located at the former site of Castle Mount School, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE123170 Roman ?levelling deposit, Barrett's Pound Lane, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE122636 Roman agricultural layer at Barrett's, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE117490 Roman features at Mitchinson's House, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE99161 Roman Hill wash deposit off Queens Gardens, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE78437 Roman occupation layer and cremation burial, Lydd Quarry (Monument) |
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MKE78501 Roman occupation, Lydd Quarry (Monument) |
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MKE78562 Roman period activity, Lydd Quarry. (Monument) |
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MKE6982 Roman walling, rubbish pits and rubble layers, Castle Street, Dover. (Monument) |
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MKE122762 Roman-early medieval dark earth deposit, 48 High Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE117327 Roman/post-Roman plough soil layer at 11 Dover Street, Canterbury. (Monument) |
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MKE99157 Sediments representing the infilling of Dover Harbour in the Roman period (Monument) |
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MKE98646 Stone deposit of possible late Medieval date, Russell Street, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE97457 Undated metal flint surface located at site of former Fordwich Garage. (Findspot) |