Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31748 - Russell Street, Dover, Kent. Archaeological Evaluation. Phase 1
Title | Russell Street, Dover, Kent. Archaeological Evaluation. Phase 1 |
Author/Originator | Foundations Archaeology |
Date/Year | 2008 |
In February and March 2008 Foundations Archaeology undertook a programme of
archaeological evaluation on land centred on Russell Street, Dover, Kent (NGR: TR 3211 4135). The project was commissioned by CgMs Consulting Ltd. On behalf of Bond City.
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unpublished grey lit report (archaeological evaluation report) produced by Foundations Archaeology.
Heritage: 2015/535
Referenced Monuments (42)
- TR 34 SW 1218 A possible kerb of likely late Medieval date, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1311 Brick built structure, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1325 Brick built structure, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1320 Brick built wall, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1321 Brick built wall, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1319 Chalk block wall, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1323 Chalk block wall, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1315 Chalk built wall, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1213 Chalk Surface associated with late Medieval/early post medieval material, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1214 Chalk Surface associated with late Medieval/early post medieval material, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1217 Chalk surface of possible late Medieval date, Russell Street, Dover. (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1307 Chalk surface, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1313 Chalk, flint and brick built wall, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1208 Chalk/Stone Built walls, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1317 Cobbled path/surface, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1326 Cut feature containing brick built wall, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1225 In situ wooden post of posssible Medieval date, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1209 Late Medieval/early post medieval chalk surface, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1211 Late Medieval/early post medieval gullies and deposit, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1223 Medieval rubbish pits, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1224 Peat deposit, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1221 Possible early post medieval structure, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1324 Possible stone built structure, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1212 Post holes associated with late Medieval/early post medieval material, Russell Street, Dover. (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1304 Post medieval brick surface, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1220 Post medieval cellar, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1210 Post Medieval cellar, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1306 Post medieval chalk structure, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1303 Post Medieval chalk surface, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1302 Post Medieval Chalk surface, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1318 Post Medieval flint and chalk block wall, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1305 Post medieval stone wall, Russell Street, Dover. (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1309 Post medieval sub rectangular stone structure, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1310 Post medieval wall, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1219 Post medieval well , Russell Street, Dover. (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1308 Sequence of post medieval walls and surfaces, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1312 Stone built structure, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1322 Stone built structure, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1316 Stone built wall/kerb, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1216 Stone deposit of possible late Medieval date, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1314 Stone surface, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1215 Top of stone built structure of possible late Medieval date, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
Referenced Events (7)
- EKE15591 Russell Street, Dover, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Phase 1
- EKE15592 Russell Street, Dover, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Phase 1, Trench 1
- EKE15593 Russell Street, Dover, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Phase 1, Trench 2
- EKE15594 Russell Street, Dover, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Phase 1, Trench 3
- EKE15595 Russell Street, Dover, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Phase 1, Trench 4
- EKE15596 Russell Street, Dover, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Phase 1, Trench 8
- EKE15597 Russell Street, Dover, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Phase 1, Trench 9
Record last edited
Nov 6 2023 1:35PM