Thesaurus Term/Concept: OCCUPATION LAYER

Identifier 145103
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A layer of remains left by a single culture, from which the culture can be dated or identified.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (54)

Context Record
Monument Type MKE117417 ?Anglo-Saxon yard and metalling deposit, and occupation deposits at Canterbury Christ Church University (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117491 ?early medieval occupation deposits and possible pit features at Mitchinson's House, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122878 ?Palaeochannel and occupation layer at Junior King's School, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117387 ?Roman deposit & pit feature on land at 74 Wincheap (Monument)
Monument Type MKE100083 19th and 20th century features, St James's area Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98892 Areas of metalling and chalk block barrack walls associated with the CLBR fort II, York Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117474 Bronze Age - early Iron Age features including a pond barrow, round-house, and enclosure ditches at Cockering Farm, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE104506 Earlier Medieval building remains and associated yard to the west of Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122843 Early medieval - medieval defensive mound, rampart, building, post-pits, floor surfaces, and deposits at St Mary Bredin School, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116272 Early medieval - post-medieval features on land at the rear of 62 Burgate (Monument)
Monument Type MKE78430 Early/Middle Iron Age site, Weatherlees Hill Waste Treatment Works (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99012 Evidence for Anglo Saxon occupation located on Bench Street, Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE118557 Late Bronze Age - early Iron Age occupation deposits at 2 St John's Lane, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116051 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age settlement features, Willow Farm, Broomfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE78720 Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age occupation, Kemsley Marsh (Monument)
Monument Type MKE78636 Late prehistoric occupation, Crabble Paper Mill site, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98942 Medieval /early post medieval well, occupation debris and walls, Woolcomber/Townwall Street, Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE118604 Medieval and post-medieval buildings at 20 King Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122664 Medieval and post-medieval buildings at Havelock Street and Old Ruttington Lane, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114428 Medieval and post-medieval deposits and walls, former St John's Ambulance site (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117892 Medieval and post-medieval features at St Paul's Church, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE104473 Medieval building and later medieval yards flanking the south western side of the former Arthurs Place, St. James area, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE93305 Medieval building foundations excavated at Northgate Car Park (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98827 Medieval chalk surface and occupation layers, 67 High Street, Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MKE104457 Medieval dumps, levelling layers and floors relating to the former presnce of buildings, St. James area, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117469 Medieval features at Deichmann, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE93322 Medieval Guildhall walls 11 High Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114375 Medieval layer deposit, 94-96 High Street, Bridge, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117406 Medieval occupation at land adjacent to 54 Northgate (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98567 Medieval occupation deposits, Bench Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115549 Medieval occupation deposits, Green Court Gate (Monument)
Monument Type MKE100085 Medieval occupation layers and finds, St. James's area Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115267 Medieval occupation level, Invicta House car-park, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116063 Medieval settlement, Bogshole Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MKE15705 Medieval site at 11-16 Biggin Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE7270 Neolithic/Bronze Age Site (Findspot)
Monument Type MKE114337 Occupational deposits of a possible Medieval Date, New Romney (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115762 Possible Anglo-Saxon or medieval surfaces, Tradescant Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MKE97869 Possible site of Downlands Roman Villa. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98905 Post medieval / Medieval occupation layers, floors and walls, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98906 Post medieval floors and walls. St James' Street Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117493 Post-medieval features at Mitchinson's House, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98983 Post-medieval layers, Hever Court Road, Gravesend (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98732 Prehistoric occupation level near the Church of St Martin Le Grand, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE110994 Probable post-medieval street frontage remains, 28 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123054 Roman activity on land at Northgate Garage, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123204 Roman building remains, South Precincts, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123348 Roman industrial features at Willow Farm, Broomfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117420 Roman occupation features at Canterbury Cathedral Welcome Centre (Monument)
Monument Type MKE17777 Roman occupation, Wincheap, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98826 Roman road surface and occupation deposits, 67 High Street, Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MKE92827 Roman road, timber building, and pottery kiln, Starr Place (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123157 Roman structures and metalled surfaces, 30-33 High Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE15651 South Street Late Bronze Age/ Iron Age settlement site (Monument)